Apr 11, 2011 4:30 PM

Who cares??? 

The DOW is green today, to the great disappointment of doomers. 

Apr 13, 2011 1:24 AM

I've always supported the close monitoring of crazed lunatics and fringe groups too. 

In the USSR, those who opposed communism were put in psychiatric asylums, and sometimes submitted to electroshocks or lobotomy (a tiny piece of metal was inserted in their frontal lobes).

I do not condone such extreme measures, of course, and I'm not a communist (only a liberal) so I think 'pacific' reeducation camps are sufficient, especially for the innocent kids who have been brainwashed by their redneck libertarian parents into believing the "evil" State is responsible for all their problems. 

Apr 13, 2011 12:16 AM

The debt ceiling has never mattered, except in the bigoted and paranoid mind of Constitution-obsessed, anti-State, anti-Federal Reserve, anti-inflation, anti-debt libertarians. 

The debt ceiling will be hiked with no discussion on the limit date. Same as it ever was.

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

Apr 13, 2011 12:42 AM

Exactly. Anybody who opposes the increase of the debt limit is a traitor to our Government, and should be immediately convicted with aggravated felony. 

We all know what would happen if the ceiling is not raised, including the end of payments for our military. 

This cannot be acceptable, and anyone who condones this should be sentenced to the electric chair for putting in danger the lives of our fellow Americans. 

Apr 13, 2011 7:16 PM

Who cares??? 

Jamie Dimon has direct, privileged access to the infinite fiat machine. This guy is one of the most powerful men in America. He can order Bernanke to buy the judges if he faces a trial. 

Apr 13, 2011 8:35 PM

Do you really believe that a primary dealer can be submitted to US justice? 


Apr 14, 2011 10:19 AM

This is a very unpatriotic attitude. Those 'union' punks should be sentenced to the electric chair. 

Apr 14, 2011 10:33 AM

Must agree with Robot on this one. The coming Greek restructuration too will be a perfect excuse to press the "magic button" and diluate value into infinite fiat. 

The DOW will easily reach 16,000 in 2012, to the great disappointment of doomers. 

Apr 14, 2011 9:18 AM

These sort of news would matter if the world was not ruled by the infinite fiat/media machine. 

The average American does not care. 

Apr 15, 2011 9:35 AM

I've made a killing on Detroit real estate last week, selling for $34,000 a 1,900 sq. feet condo that I bought for $2,700 six months ago. 

Most libertarian doomers were saying the city was doomed: they were obviously wrong, and Detroit has become today one of the most dynamic economic zones in America.

Our consumer discretionary stores, besides, are still at record turnovers, and we recently received a $135k subsidy from the city Economic Council. 

People like you should really listen to smart traders like Robot or Leo, insead of losing money.

Apr 15, 2011 9:43 AM

Please Tyler, I can't take any more DOOM... 

Apr 18, 2011 2:28 PM

To the great disappointment of bigot, libertarian, pro-gun, silverbug, anti-inflation, anti-Federal Reserve, anti-Semite rednecks, the global economic recovery is accelerating, and our President Dr. Barack H. Obama will get reelected hands down for another 5 years mandate. 

Apr 18, 2011 2:45 PM

I did sell all my gold two months ago, indeed. I get more returns in socks anyway, so I don't mind if gold went up a bit after I sold. 

Apr 18, 2011 3:03 PM

Now, I'm accustomed and pretty much insensitive to bigots who hate me and my message of love.

I'll always repeat that haters of socialism, of gun control and haters of the economic recovery have no place in the XXIst century America. They are intolerant and lunatic dudes living in the past, such as this redneck family: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGkRKT0Q-L4&feature=related

Apr 18, 2011 4:00 PM

Debt used to matter, but it was a long time ago.

Now is the time of hope, change and transcendance. Nothing matters anymore. Everything is beautiful, good and tasty. 

Nerdy libertarians should embrace life instead of always bitching about debt, deficits, inflation, silver manipulation, work, blah blah blah. Light some weed and get some fun. 

Apr 18, 2011 4:07 PM

Robot, dude, I made a killing last week on some stocks you recommended me. 

Still high on retail, NFLX and of course LULU. 

Lunatic goldbugs want to kill me out of jealousy. 

Apr 19, 2011 10:16 AM

Must agree with my bro' Robot on this one. 

A 35-year bull market in bonds/stocks/real estate is normal and set to last, but it would be a bubble for precious metals and canned ham.

Why? Because this is the rules of the game. Lunatic goldbugs need to deal with it: the Pigmen will always bend the rules and print infinite fiat to maintain the "status quo" 

Apr 19, 2011 12:37 PM

Yes, but my bro' Bernanke will never allow the SPY to go down, so lunatic goldbugs should suck it in and cope, or better yet, go long NFLX and try to actually earn some money. 

Margin doesn't matter when all the government is behind you. The FED learnt the mistakes from 2008 and will now support stock market investors. At the slightest 2% drop their "men" will activate themselves behind the curtains... 


Apr 20, 2011 1:59 PM

These Chinese punks should read some serious economics, like the St Louis Federal Reserve daily reports or Dr. Paul Krugman articles, and they would quickly understand that 'inflation' is only a sentiment fueled by bad press, not a reality. 

Apr 20, 2011 8:37 AM

Well, all the ES bears are dead now. 

Paradoxically, they underestimated the gravity of the crisis, and the corruption of the FED... they didn't understand that the Ben Bernank was stimulating the economy through stocks insead of bank lending...  

The worst is Prechter, this guy is becoming more hysterical every day on his website as he has been short for 11 months now. Most of his "followers" are broke and living in the Vegas sewers. 

Apr 21, 2011 10:49 AM

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

Apr 21, 2011 10:56 AM

Are you kidding??? 

Nobody cares about the law, except slaves. The Pigmen make their own. 

Apr 21, 2011 10:57 AM

Lunatic libertarians will always be screwed by the Pigmen. Why? Because the first care about moral and law, the others do not. 

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

The 'debt ceiling' (LOL) will be hiked by an Obama decree voted in secret, and we'll be on our way to DOW 15,000 in June. 

Apr 27, 2011 7:16 AM

I don't see the problem you have with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. If they were 'evil zionistas' who don't produce value, like bigot libertarians say, they would not make so much money (as every financial contract is based on law and mutual consent), and Americans would not vote every 4 year for a member of the current ruling elite if they were not satisfied. So having GS and JPM in the board of economic advisors is a healthy measure, as we can profit from their expertise. 

Raising the 'debt limit' is just common sense. No one, even lunatic silverbugs, want to see what would happen if it is not raised. 

Apr 29, 2011 12:34 AM


Apr 3, 2011 5:08 PM

You are sick of it, but most Americans are not. 

And in a democracy, it's the majority who calls the shots. 


Apr 3, 2011 8:40 AM


Everybody already knows that the system is a joke, and Bernanke a crook. 

But as long as the average American gets his daily dose of fluoride, Justin Bieber and Victoria's Secret shows, he will gladly keep voting for the current 'elites' and place them in total, absolute control... 


Nerdy libertarians need to deal with it. Nothing's ever going to change. 

I'm ready to bet $10k that a new puppet Democrat/Republican will be elected in 2012, and that the Ben Bernank will end his life in tranquillity, wealth and freedom. 

Learn it, love it, trade it.

Apr 4, 2011 1:09 PM

"San Francisco Fed says that rising commodity prices not due to Fed buying various assets under its QE2 programme"

As I've previously said, QE to infinity. 

Learn it, love it, trade it. DOW 18,000 in 2012.

Apr 4, 2011 11:32 AM

It's an old Soviet tactic. Devaluate the diploma/product and make it pass as the old one, so that the number of people who access it increases. 

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

Apr 4, 2011 2:54 PM

"Not everyone believes in the purity of von NotHaus' motives: "NotHaus' group has been followed for years by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that tracks political extremism. Long before the government began its investigation into von NotHaus, the group was raising concerns about the popularity of Liberty Dollars among fringe groups on the far right.

I've always said that bigot, nerdy libertarians were dangerous and racist. 


Apr 4, 2011 3:00 PM

It's a known fact that anti-Federal Reserve, pro-capitalism, bigot libertarians are anti-Semites and paranoid. 

It's a pity, though, that such nefarious hate speech against the FED is not yet punished in the US. 

Apr 4, 2011 3:02 PM

Honesty and probity are for Gentiles only. 

Apr 4, 2011 3:07 PM

I know the idea may sound a bit far-fetched, but I've always advocated the idea of placing fringe groups such as the so-called 'libertarians' in reeducation camps. 

It's not their fault if they have a deranged and paranoid opinion about economics ; the State must act to counter the propaganda they received from their redneck parents at such an early age. 

Apr 4, 2011 4:50 PM

It's a vaporware, just like Duke Nukem. 

Same thing for AnonOps. 

Apr 4, 2011 7:29 AM

As RobotTrader said, there's nothing infinite paper and suspension of accounting rules can't solve.

Apr 4, 2011 8:58 AM

I'm ready to bet $10k he will get reelected. 

The global economic recovery is on the march, and no bigot, nerdy libertarian will be able to stop it. 

Apr 4, 2011 9:11 AM

Of course I will. It is my civic and patriotic duty to support the only one able to manage the USA efficiently. I'm sure the Founding Fathers would agree with me. 

Do you imagine redneck bigots like Palin at the command? Lmao. 

Socialism is the only acceptable future for America. Only uncivilized, immoral societies do not have a welfare State. 

Apr 4, 2011 9:17 AM

Another excuse for libertarian bigot conspiracists to tell that Obama is funded by Rothschild, JP Morgan or the "zionistas"... 

Apr 6, 2011 1:17 PM

The Republican chamber will vote against the government shutdown, using a a "patriotic" excuse such as "A US government shut down would harm the security of our troops, the public image of the USA, and our finances on the long term". 

So rednecks will be satisfied and thus continue to vote for the Republicans, AND the government shutdown doesn't happen, so Republican congressmen can continue to get their fat paychecks from Wall St. 

Heads they win, tails you lose. 

Apr 6, 2011 1:22 PM

That's what I said.

The Republican chamber will ultimately vote against a government shutdown (despite the drama they made), and rednecks will love it because the glorious military will still be funded that way. 

Apr 6, 2011 10:08 AM

"Clueless" economist??? Dr. Paul Krugman Ph.D. (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences) is the greatest economist who ever lived, along with Dr. Barack H. Obama Jr. and Dr. John M. Keynes. 

No matter what bigoted Ron Paul-worshipper, anti-Federal Reserve, anti-State libertarians say, the global economic recovery is on the march, and nothing will stop it. 

Apr 6, 2011 10:13 AM

No matter what bigoted Ron Paul-worshipper, anti-Federal Reserve, anti-State libertarians say, the global economic recovery is on the march, and nothing will stop it. 

Apr 6, 2011 7:17 AM

I heard Portuguese chicks are hot. Maybe we should invite them to the US of A, where nothing seems to trouble either the US consumer or NFLX, both scoring fresh 52-week highs.... 


Apr 7, 2011 2:19 PM

Tsahal is a beacon of civilization in a world of hate and violence. But I perfectly understand you may be jealous of our military might, so I don't blame you for your hate speech. 

Apr 7, 2011 2:33 PM

Where do you see barbarism in our action? 

The only thing that *may* be criticable was when we torched Muslim babies with phosphorus bombs, but it was unfortunately needed for our tanks to advance. 

Apr 8, 2011 12:00 PM

" Is the same fate in store for crude if indeed the Fed is prepared to let the market find its natural clearing price without daily injections of billions."

Is the FED stops QE, who will buy the 30yr, which is near its 1-year low? 

And who will buy stocks? 

No, QE will continue, and that's why I'm long DOW. 

Apr 8, 2011 12:14 PM

No chance, robot. If QE stops, long rates will go up and finalize the double dip in RE. Banks and municipalities are way too fragile right now for this. 

And I'm not even talking about bankrupt pension funds which are ultraleveraged, trying to play the momentum in equities to pay benefits month-on-month. 

Fiat to infinity. 

Apr 8, 2011 5:47 PM

He's a "zionista", according to bigot libertarian conspiracists, so he must sleep in a secret hibernation chamber at Denver Aiport. 

Aug 1, 2011 3:18 PM

"This could be your last chance as today"

Last chance of what???

The Honoured Representatives of the American people are those who decide, not a few nutjob extremists on the Internet. 

And these Representatives will enact the McConnell-Obama agreement, opening a new era of prosperity for the United States of America.

Aug 1, 2011 3:30 PM

Bill Gross' nights have undoubtedly become very agitated since is ill-inspired short of USTs. Must suck to be his Ukrainian housekeeper. Sweaty sheets to change every day... 

Aug 1, 2011 5:33 PM

1950? Give me a break. 

Aug 1, 2011 5:41 PM

Drop the 0 and it may work. 

I've sold all my physical two months ago and I ain't looking back. Sure, I've lost a bit on the last ride up, but the boner runs were better on stocks like LuluLemon Athletica or Green Mountain. 

Gold will be at <1200 in less than three months. If it isn't the case then well, I would have lost a lot a credibility.

Aug 1, 2011 7:15 PM

This is a victory against hate, bigotry and ignorance. 

Doomer libertarians should read some serious economics instead of crying. 

The global economic recovery can now continue unrestrained.

Dec 10, 2011 2:16 PM


I admit Ron Paul does have a large base of followers, but it does not make his demented rumblings more true or acceptable, cf. the 9/11 "truther" movement or Alex Jones ; it simply makes the problem more urgent to solve. 

Populists like him represent a serious danger to our social fabric and our open democratic system. By fueling irrational public resentment, conspiracy theories, fear, frustration and anger towards the U.S. intellectual elite and honourable political figures in a time of economic hardship, they directly contribute to the inexorable rise of political extremism and domestic terrorism that we have witnessed over the course of the last decade.



Dec 11, 2011 4:52 PM

Yup. Pump, slaughter, reap.

The silver slaughterhouse scheme is intact and it amazes me that so many newbies still fall for it. 


Dec 21, 2010 1:26 PM

Yesterday, we opened our new consumer discretionary stores in the Twin Cities. People were desperate to spend, even on overpriced and useless items. It was incredible. I swear to God, I've never lived something like this before. We made our biggest turnover in a decade. It's funny how much money hides in the purses of people who are supposed to live on welfare (at least, if you believe the pessimistic hype here). I'd say most of our clients were lower-middle class people, and we had some very low-class people also.

The global economy is improving at a very fast pace, and I do think government spending is a good thing. The crisis is definitely over, and no "oh my god the sky is falling" whining will change this fact. People who are in contact with reality, and not with their mother's basement, will know what I mean.

Dec 21, 2010 2:05 PM

Home decor. We have 10 stores, and we have recently signed a contract that will make our business international.

Yes, there is a big enthusiasm, but indeed more in Minnesota than in other States (Wisconsin and South Dakota).

I really think the consumer is spending, and in all types of business.

Dec 21, 2010 2:11 PM

That's indeed what I've observed in my stores. Most purchasers are women, and they seem to be very well-funded.

Dec 21, 2010 2:13 PM

We don't sell weapons or parts of weapons, but I think you'll find something for your interior design.

Dec 21, 2010 2:17 PM

Home decor, to be more precise. It includes all types of furniture.

Women represent typically 80% of our customers.

Dec 21, 2010 2:48 PM

As long as my psychology report isn't completed.

Dec 21, 2011 1:25 PM

FEMA is necessary to ensure quick government action against terrorist attacks and natural disasters. I do believe that our elected representatives have our best interests in mind (if they didn't, they would not have been elected, simple as that) so I do not worry about all this crazy talk about FEMA on the Internet. 

Dec 21, 2011 12:58 PM

All this DOOM... 

You might be right, but I prefer to ignore all these things and be happy. Why spend your life worrying about your retirement or bank bankruptcies? It is simply not worth it.

Dec 22, 2010 4:32 AM

Shorting EURCHF has paid off.

Dec 22, 2010 9:52 AM

Well, it's still very high. It confirms what I've observed: the consumer is spending.

I've just bought again a couple of AAPL.

Dec 4, 2011 11:38 AM

Much noise for nothing. It is common practice for countries to shut down unmanned vehicles and even manned airplanes which were not allowed by standard procedure to enter frontiers. Hell, Pakistan and China have probably shot down dozens of American airplanes over the last decade. 

Given that airplanes are equipped with parachutes, the pilots have time to jump.

Certainly not a casus belli, although I would like as much as you to see Iran wiped off from the planisphere.

Peak-oilers and doomers worldwide will have to find something else to keep their erection going on. The world is not going to end tomorrow, sorry.

Dec 6, 2011 11:48 AM

Tyler is turning COMMIE ... 

Why reporting some small student protests (several hundreds guys ? you will always find several hundreds hippies, crackpots and anarchists everywhere...) against a man who objectively saved Russia?

Dec 6, 2011 9:12 AM

Only libertarians say that inflation is catastrophic. 

Actually, it isn't. It is just a redistribution of wealth, namely a transfer from the higher-middle-class and the improvident rich into the pockets of the government, and the poor by ricochet.

Given that most Americans don't have liquid savings (their holdings are composed of real estate, debt and Social security/retirement income wich is and will be adjusted for inflation), they won't see anything. 

Only the extreme minority of savers will see their holdings melt, but as an even more extreme minority has a clue what inflation is, and as the banks will offer everyone falsely CPI-adjusted contracts, there won't be any public uproar. If you go out of the microcosm and table jerk of Zerohedge and Bloomberg, nobody gives a fuck about Bernanke or QE2. 

Inflation has been the solution chosen by all European rulers across the XXth, XIXth and XVIIIth century when facing economic difficulties for a reason. It is much more popular to the public than upright defaults and liquidations of big and well-known companies. Also, inflation never menaces national security, as it tends to reinforce the State and the military at the expense of the people. Even hyperinflationary vicious circles are not a danger for States: the ruler may be toppled in a coup, but goverment services always remain intact. Contrary to default which would dramatically reduce its size and power.

Dec 7, 2011 7:23 PM

Yeah, Faber is a nut crackpot but worst of all, he lives in a foreign country instead of the place he was born in, like so many American traitors nowadays. He should be court-martialed and executed for high treason.

Dec 7, 2011 7:28 PM

You nailed it.

All the doomers here will finish in the mass graves of history with their buried ham and their yellow rocks. So many unfit tribes, people and civilizations have already been wiped off. 

The goldbugs will be the next

A yellow rock won't help you in a total economic collapse

Dec 7, 2011 7:30 PM

De Gaulle was a simpleton

Dec 8, 2011 1:10 PM

Ahmadinejad should be immediately captured by a Spec. operation and sentenced to the electric chair on American soil. 

It is NOT acceptable to steal technological secrets from a superpower like us and then to brag about it on Youtube

Dec 8, 2011 1:43 PM

Well, even reputable and official news agencies can unfortunately have crackpot, conspiracist, doomer, libertarian interns in their ranks. It happens occasionally, and their contract usually ends as soon as their mental troubles are discovered. 

Dec 8, 2011 11:00 AM

And so what??? 

Most Americans do NOT care about this libertarian jealousy towards wealthy bankers and politicians, and in our great country it is fortunately the informed majority who decides, not a few extremists on the Internet.

What do you suggest, abolishing banks or the right to constitute associations???

Dec 9, 2011 2:59 PM

Buffet is just a senile old man who got co-opted and abused unwillingly by the PigMen. 

Dec 9, 2011 6:45 PM

"Who gives a shit about silver in the crust?  It's silver above ground that matters, and there is now less than 1/3rd as much above ground as there is gold, and we use more than we extract each year."

I would be interested in a reliable source about that one.

Feb 1, 2011 1:08 PM


You are comparing the USA to Zimbabwe? The USA are not a corrupt, banana, third-world country with printing presses running day and night. We have the best elites in the world, democracy and prosperity. The future looks bright for us.

I'm glad I'm an American.

Feb 1, 2011 12:16 PM

+21.8% of sales yoy is incredible news, and proves that the global economic recovery is a reality.

America will come out of this crisis richer and stronger than ever.

The permadoomers are once again proven wrong.

Feb 1, 2011 3:26 PM

This is good news for food producers.

DOW +1.13% agrees with me. I think we're headed right to 13,000 before June, and 14,000 before August.

All the money spent by food stamps flows into the agro-industry, which stimulates stocks, which stimulate the global economy.

This is a virtuous circle.

Feb 1, 2011 4:34 PM

Time to buy stocks. Again, I'm proven right.

I've claimed numerous times that Bernanke will print forever and never raise rates. His strategy is working, and we're already witnessing a fantastic economic recovery.

Feb 1, 2011 4:38 PM

Whether you like it or not, we'll see DOW 14,000 before August. Prepare your Kleenex.

Feb 1, 2011 6:26 PM

Must agree with my evil twin brother on this one.

Feb 10, 2012 1:44 PM

Gold is certainly a good investment... to give to the Styx watchman if you believe in Greek mythology.

But if you're a Christian, like your fellow Americans, I'm afraid this shiny rock won't help you much in life. 

Feb 10, 2012 1:53 PM

Until the day you can't. 

Feb 10, 2012 2:17 PM

America is a Christian country, youngster, and this ain't gonna change anytime soon. If you're not happy with our national religion, get a ticket to Sweden or France and join up there with your heathen, faggot, atheist and satanist buddies.

Feb 10, 2012 7:19 PM

LaRouche is a douche

Feb 12, 2011 5:38 PM

Who cares???

The FED is not auditable, and as everything is based on confidence, no one will ever know that the FED is "bankrupt".

Permabear libertarians should really go long this market instead of perpetually dooming about how the FED is bankrupt. You are losing money, really.

The awful truth is that most anti-FED, silverbug paranoid libertarians who go to gun barbecues with their redneck friends are just plain jealous of the overwhelming economic and personal success of the men behind the Federal Reserve and the primary dealers. Success that they don't achieve in their Montana shacks and trailer parks.

Feb 12, 2011 7:38 PM

I have six magnificent kids, including a daughter.

She is currently pregnant.

Feb 12, 2011 7:50 PM

They do some part time job in our stores, indeed. My daughter is a better seller than my boys, though.

I've made sure to raise them into productive, America-loving patriotics, and taught them to wary of people who criticize government spending, our Army and the Federal Reserve Bank System. These people are often crazed lunatics.

Feb 13, 2012 3:25 PM

The Peak Oil sect will be there in a minute to interpret this as a sign of a coming apocalypse in crude. They are so predictable. 

Feb 13, 2012 3:47 PM

"Physical peak oil, which I have no reason to accept as a valid statement either on theoretical, scientific or ideological grounds, would be insensitive to prices. (...)In fact the whole hypothesis of peak oil – which is that there is a certain amount of oil in the ground, consumed at a certain rate, and then it's finished – does not react to anything....  Peak oil has been predicted for 150 years. It has never happened, and it will stay this way." Dr. Christoph Rühl, chief economist of BP

Feb 13, 2012 4:14 PM


That's exactly what the Peak Oil movement is, in an inverted manner. Instead of wishing modern technology's appearance, they wish it to disappear. In both cases they don't understand it, in both cases they are afraid of it, and in both cases they have recourse to incantations.

Feb 14, 2011 11:24 PM

Paulson is overrated.

Real, patriotic, FED-supporter, meat-eating men invest in stocks nowadays.

Only rednecks living in Montana shacks invest in gold.

Feb 14, 2011 11:25 PM

It's true, but it always amazes me so much people fall into the precious metals hype.

These people will get their ass handed on a plate.

Feb 14, 2011 4:24 PM

The DOW will close green, like every other day, to commemorate the suicide of Mark this time.

We'll reach 14,000 by May. And by this time, pathetic permabears will keep shorting, and get their ass handed on a plate.


Feb 14, 2011 4:42 PM

More doom news for pathetic permabears.

In the mean time, socks are reaching new highs.

I bet $1,000 that this story will be buried : just like the silver "manipulation" lawsuit, the "Fraudclosure" thing...

The global economy is recovering, and the attempts of permadoomers to deny it is frightening.

Feb 14, 2011 5:04 PM

As I've said on the previous thread, it will have absolutely no consequence.

Otherwise the Dow wouldn't be green at this present time.

Feb 14, 2011 6:03 PM

And he's right.

Stocks are the buy of the century.

Feb 14, 2012 11:50 PM

Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs

If paying a bit more taxes every year means sleeping better at night, knowing that me and my family are secure and sheltered from islamic and right-wing terrorism, then so be it. Filling your IRS form is a pain in the ass for everyone but once it's done and posted you feel proud to serve your country and help our Boys. 


Feb 14, 2012 6:21 PM

Yep. I've been warning for decades about the close links the libertarian community keeps up with the fringe of society, and I'm once again confirmed in my worst expectations.

Feb 14, 2012 6:27 PM

So, finally. 

Exposed for all to see: the real end goal behind libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism: the restoration of a Paleolithic style of living, i.e., the law of the jungle, i.e, social Darwinism. 

I'm glad someone finally admitted it in broad daylight.

Personnally, I prefer my "sheeple" style of living, which is much more comfortable, much more secure and much more altruist.

Feb 14, 2012 6:35 PM

You are right, but unfortunately one can't reason with insanity.

Because most of these self-styled "adventurers", "sovereign men", "anti-government activists" and "rebels" do have some form of mild mental illness, which can sometimes evolve into something much more serious (i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski). 

Feb 14, 2012 6:56 PM

Except that rain water is very polluted. 

So you'll need some filters, the best being an UV one. And for that you need electricity. Good luck generating power with wind or solar in Montana. 

Feb 14, 2012 7:20 PM

So you suggest using flint and chert to hunt and cut your meat, and wolf coats as clothes to avoid touching industrial goods???

Feb 15, 2011 12:46 PM

Just made a handsome P/L on AAPL today.

I don't understand why permabears short this market: do they love to lose money? Or they just want to become slaves?

Feb 15, 2011 2:55 PM

They are good, and so what???

Are you jealous of their success in stock trading???

Feb 15, 2011 4:17 PM

The last stages of bubbles always look the same...

The violence of the collapse to come in PMs will surprise everyone.

In the meantime, fortunes are made on socks.

Feb 15, 2012 12:02 AM

Ron Paul in 3rd party wouldn't make more than 3%, which is his real base of support in the United States once the Republican primary hype disappears

Feb 15, 2012 7:10 PM

We should send Ron Paul and his nerdy supporters to the frontline in Iran as a punishment for their cowardice. 

Feb 15, 2012 7:25 PM

Listen, buddy, the problematic is quite simple.

On one side you have a foreign country which openly threatens, repeatedly, our security and our international interests, insulting us and ridiculing us by the same occasion. On the other side you have puny computer nerds among us who oppose ANY war, by "principle", even if we as a Nation risk immense suffereing and death as a result of their cowardice and the "fear, uncertainty and doubt" propaganda they disseminate on the Internet and other medias.

Sixty years ago they would have been put in prison or even executed for high treason to their own country, but today we can't do it anymore because "mentalities" have evolved. 

So I propose a fair solution, which is to force them to fight. I don't give them 2 minutes with a M4 in their hands before they start crying for Mummy though. 

Feb 16, 2011 1:10 PM

Final stage of a bubble: exponential growth.

Feb 16, 2011 12:37 PM

More doom.

Like every other "war news" published on the Web since 2004, nothing will ever happen.

I'm ready to bet $100,000 on this website that no war between Iran and Israel will ever happen. Two warships head to Syria, and so what?

Military exercise, commerce, it can be anything. Anything but war.

Feb 16, 2011 12:43 PM

I could be ready to bet on this, but for something more fair, let's say 2020.

I'm ready to bet no war between Israel and Iran will start before 2020.

Feb 16, 2011 3:51 PM

I am a troll, but I feel forced to answer you, because I've never seen so much horrible stupidity and hypocrisy in a post.

Admitting you are right, shall we remember you that the inflation did not stop at grains, but targeted primarily cotton and sugar (not aware Russia is a big exporter of these).

You know, I've nothing against emotional, poors-must-be-helped-by-gov socialists, but I don't understand what interest has a socialist in defending the Federal Reserve and the banking system like you do, a corrupted bunch of ultrarich.

Feb 16, 2011 3:55 PM

"You don't see that you are spouting the same shit that the Soviets did to excuse themselves from any blame for the starvation of their people."

More Critical Thinking Wanted is a soviet.

For him, anything -- including death, corruption, extorsion -- is legitimized by the "gov must help the poors and the sick and the disabled and the old and the blind" mantra.

You can't reason with such men: they were lauding the policies of Rudolf Von Havenstein in 1922. More Critical Thinking Wanted is their genetic son.

Feb 16, 2011 4:17 PM

And why do you think this Chinese peasant is hoarding it?

He sees it is going higher each day, and I don't think he believes that because he is aware of QE2 (I'm not even sure he knows who Ben Bernanke is).

According to you, German farmers who hoarded their food caused the hyperinflation?

Speculators caused the sovereign debt crisis?

Short sellers caused the 2008 panic?

Feb 16, 2012 8:00 PM

Ayn Rand was certainly a "thinker". Like every other human on Earth who has something called a brain in his skull.

The question can be basically summed up as who is right, and who is wrong. It is not sufficient to be able to write good English and appear intelligent to be right.

And I'm afraid Rand was tragically wrong on a variety of points.

Feb 17, 2011 10:07 AM

He was sarcastic.

The DOW won't stop until reaching 16,000, unfortunately for permabears.

Feb 17, 2011 9:44 AM

This is somewhat misleading.

You're trying to say that hyperinflation is here, but all I see is Chinese peasants who hoard their cotton for personal profit instead of selling it immediately, causing a vicious circle.

Read Dr. Paul Krugman Ph.D. (Nobel Prize) on this subject.

Feb 17, 2011 9:50 AM

More and more doom.

In the meantime, stocks are reaching new highs

Feb 17, 2012 1:30 PM

You brilliantly summed up why the State was invented in the first place: taking people to a higher level, instead of letting them rot in their poverty or low intelligence like it was the case 150 years ago, at the time of children working in coal mines and women being submitted to their Southern husbands like cattle. 

When I was younger (in 1997 if my memory serves me right), I took part in a heated argument with my teacher of Social Policy in med. school about the role of government and the bounds of its actions. We were talking about the rise of antisocial and white supremacist gangs in Idaho and Montana in the 1980s and 1990s. 

I was the only one in the classroom, along with a shy but bright girl from SoCal, to defend the compulsory internment in psychiatric hospitals of conspiracy theorists, racists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, libertarians and asocial "off-griders" (as they like to call themselves). 

I don't regret having done it, even if at the time it met puzzled reception and I seriously risked losing my scholarship. 

My reasoning was that to destroy a group, you need to strike at their children, namely, stop the transmission of culture from parents to children. And for that you need to isolate the two elements. 

Feb 17, 2012 12:29 PM

Your physician was right, you know.

Stopping your daily lithium and Ritalin intake was a bad idea. 

Feb 17, 2012 12:37 PM

Actually, United States Treasury Bonds are NOT and CANNOT be "counterfeit with laser printers", as every coupon payment is individually analyzed and confirmed by the Treasury Department before being issued to the legitimate recipient. Therefore they remain the most secure investment that an American saver can make. 

Frankly, this is getting tiresome. 

After the supposedly dangerous fluoridation in American tap water (which, according to some crackpot Chinese scientists and fluoridealert.org, would lower I.Q. in young children), after the supposedly nefarious control of the money supply in America by a few "oligarchs" who are supposed to be able to buy whatever they want in the world with counterfeit money, after the alleged "NORAD" reeducation camp in Colorado and the FEMA internment camps, yet another conspiracy theory manufactured and carefully nurtured by the libertarian "doom machine": the Chicago Federal Reserve would be manufacturing fake T-Bonds and shipping them to Switzerland in order to flood the international monetary market and provoke an hyperinflation. 

I originally looked at this with amusement but now I really think the federal government should intervene. It is NOT acceptable to let libertarian rednecks brainwash their unfortunate children with these theories for example; this is child abuse pure and simple. 

Feb 17, 2012 3:59 PM


Feb 17, 2012 4:02 PM

Let's see if you will continue shouting "False flag" in front of the firing squad who will send your nerdy coward ass to Hell. 

Feb 17, 2012 4:14 PM

You'll see WAY more "smoke, rubble and bodyparts" when the 5th fleet finally starts to blow Iran into orbit and transform the Golestan Palace into a parking lot. 

Feb 19, 2011 1:04 PM

I was working at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Feb 19, 2011 4:17 PM

More doom.

Do you know what "rubber bullets" means?

I don't see any blood, even one minute after the impacts. And only 3 "corpses" for a machine gun fire???

Most of them continue to stay on the road after the shooting like nothing happened. They seem to know the bullets are not real. Not a lot of panicked screams too. The sound of the shooting is the typical crackling of rubber bullets. Lead bullets would have done a much more powerful, characteristic sound. 

This is obviously a common video which has been transformed into a 'massacre' by civil rights activist networks: for them, even a flashball shooting is the end of the world. 

Feb 19, 2011 4:28 PM

Dead? Or does he play the dead in order to escape further fire? If I were him I would have done the same thing: keep my face down. 

There is indeed some liquid, which may be blood, but that's not surprising: even rubber bullets can cause bleeding, notably in sanguine areas (face, ears, neck, etc.)

Again, I've watched the complete video on Associated Press, and absolutely nothing demonstrates it is live fire with metal bullets. Everything in the video is strange. 

We are in the XXIth century, and a government has absolutely no interest in opening live fire with lead bullets on protesters: rubber bullets and tear gas are sufficient to tame any riot. Live fire with dangerous bullets can only motivate protesters more. 

The dead in the Middle-East riots were due to crowd movements, looters, criminals, etc.  

Feb 19, 2011 4:45 PM


That's what I'm saying. No way these bullets were lead.

Feb 2, 2011 5:56 PM

This is somewhat misleading. Cotton may be up thanks to territorial and environmental factors, but gold and silver severely lag behind.

Inflation only happens in the amount of semen emitted during the wet dreams of permadoomer silver bugs.

Feb 20, 2011 1:34 PM

Since when a country doesn't have the right to make ships circulate around the world freely?


Feb 20, 2012 11:48 AM

"In fact, if the terrifyingly demented presidency of Barack Obama has proven anything so far, it is that elements of the “Left” are just as bloodthirsty as any NeoCon"

Well, historically, at least in the old continent, the Left was more patriotic and military than the Right. Compulsory conscription and armed service for young men was notably created by the Left. The Right tended to view war as a professional affair reserved to the military aristocracy.

That's why I, personally, feel leftist before feeling neoconservative, though I am both -- relatively speaking. I think everybody needs to go to the frontline during a war, not simply the elite.

For the coming intervention in Iran, I personally favour a "call to arms", or "general mobilization", on the French or British model during WWI and WWII. Everybody fights, soldier or not, young or not, adapted or not. It will give, for once, libertarian computer nerds a chance to prove their value and their commitment to their country.

Feb 20, 2012 12:00 PM

"while the rest of us send our kids to medical and law school, and feast off the war profits."

Hiding while your fellow Americans are fighting? Are you sure you're not a damn COWARD?

In my time, deserters and chickenshits like you had indeed a good time... eating mud in their mass graves after the execution by firing squad.

Feb 20, 2012 12:17 PM

Well, Brandon Smith DOES look like a commie/marxist in my opinion. It's not the first time he exposes here his crackpot ideas on the economy and his idealistic "return to the earth" project. 

Feb 21, 2011 5:18 PM

"Flash crash"??? 

This jump in oil is very good news for equities. It means the recovery is accelerating, and demand in emerging markets gaining strength. 

Feb 21, 2011 5:19 PM

Cut rates???

As I've previously said, most people here assume that inflation is a bad thing. Actually, it is quite the opposite. As Dr. Krugman Ph.D. showed, the more inflation, the better

If the FED manages to create high inflation in the economy (>30%) the crisis will be definitely eradicated. 

It is a perfect time to buy stocks. 

Feb 21, 2011 5:26 PM


It will keep pushing higher, IMO. 

This jump in oil (+10.62% in one day, quite unusual) is the perfect sign the global economic recovery is accelerating. 

If there is no demand, there is no jump in oil. 

So there must be some pretty good demand out there.

I've converted the rest of my cash portfolio in AAPL and NFLX stocks. 


Feb 21, 2012 5:47 PM

Darn right buddy. These immigrant assholes ruin everything. Ron Paul is our last and only chance.

Feb 25, 2012 5:25 PM

The days of "small business owners" are thankfully numbered. 

In a fully humanist society (i.e. a socialist one), everybody works for the State. We are going there, and nobody, nobody will stop that march.

Feb 26, 2012 1:14 PM

I'm glad international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations are finally acting to kill in the egg the odious "Sea Steading" project of the Friedman rejeton and his demented friends. 

It is NOT acceptable to simply refuse to pay your taxes and go elsewhere in the world to avoid prosecution. 

And please, spare us the whiny "I have the right to sign out of the system", or "I have the right to be here" child rethoric. 

Feb 28, 2012 4:29 PM

Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs

If having a bit more inflation every year means securing the future of Americans and their children, and avoiding to send poor souls on the street after their repo mortgage has defaulted, then I'm OK with that. 

I don't know why the Federal Reserve System and the honourable Dr. Ben Bernanke did not think about this earlier: directly supporting the housing market instead of the stock market. 

Feb 28, 2012 4:33 PM

Brian Sack has had more personal, financial and sexual success in his life than what goldbug doomers, Ron Paul-admirer conspiracy theorists and libertarian neoconfederates will ever have, even if they live one thousand years. 

Feb 3, 2011 1:02 PM

Nice bounce on the DJIA this morning! I'm ready to bet it will close green, like every other day. AAPL will reach 1,000 dollars an action in less than 9 months, according to my personal research and technical analysis.

Shorter permadoomers once again lost money. If you want an investing advice: buy AAPL and NFLX, sell your gold.

Feb 3, 2011 1:18 PM

You can't eat gold... I feel sorry witnessing the folly of crowds, buying this useless yellow metal.

Feb 3, 2012 10:27 PM

Aminozin and algogenic injections were indeed the primary tools used to treat psychotic patients in the USSR, with, I do admit it, occasional abuse, such as in the following cases: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union#Cases

It is an example of bad psychiatry, because most of these men, notably Viktor Fainberg, were not genuinely insane (their libertarian views were very moderate and not ground to suspicion). And I usually teach my students about that. But Wikipedia will never tell you about the hundreds of thousands of cases where these two drugs were used out of legitimate concerns and with very positive results. 

Feb 3, 2012 7:34 PM


The more I watch Ron Paul speaking, the more I become convinced that he's an Aspie who suffers from sluggish schizophrenia. He's completely out of touch with reality, like most extreme libertarians. It puzzles me why he is invited on national television, talking about batshitcrazy things like ending the I.R.S or using gold as a currency, like nothing is wrong. 

There IS something wrong with that man. He's a ticking bomb. One day his hatred for the State and our organized society will lead him to go McVeigh or Breivik. 

I am a clinical psychologist with 14 years of practice, and I'm sorry to say that Paul responds positively to the very symptoms I see everyday in the high-security mental health facility where I work: refusal to live in a community, self-centeredness, emotional autism, tendency to believe in conspiracy theories (notably involving central banks or 9/11), tendency to think that the ends justify the means, tendency to think that "the problem comes from society" and not from themselves, and total absence of compassion for others.

He should seek treatment. Really. I say that empathetically, for his own good. He is a menace not only to society, but first and foremost to himself. 

As a professionnal, I would recommend daily doses of Aminozin (not more than 4 gr. per dose, one the morning, one the evening) or an algogenic injection every three days, followed by one month of electroshock therapy. It has tremendous success in reversing the symptoms of psychosis, especially "anarcho-capitalist" psychosis (jargon term for when the patient desires the complete breakdown of society and the State structure). 

Feb 3, 2012 7:39 PM

I do, indeed, favour Mitt Romney for the next Presidential election, after having hesitated between him and Gingrich. 

I believe he is the only one who can beat the Left in 2012. 

Feb 3, 2012 7:49 PM

Exactly. And that is partly why I believe Ron Paul is incoherent. There's nothing wrong in believing in anarchy (well, in fact, there is something wrong, as it is often associated with serious psychic disorders, but that's another debate) but your position should be consistent in every aspect. This is not the case with Paul. 

Feb 3, 2012 8:17 PM

Precisely, and that is why he tends to attract as supporters people with known psychiatric disorders: goldbug doomers, nerdy conspiracy theorists, etc. 

The very same people who, after being exposed for what they are and placed into a public facility, still deny that there is something wrong with them, and keep shouting that they are victim of some sort of "government plot" when the nurses come for their treatment or their shower. 

It is probably the biggest scandal in modern U.S. politics that a known crackpot like Paul managed to reach the Caucuses. 

Feb 3, 2012 9:43 PM

Yes, I know this theory. And I've read the writings of doctors like Dr. Thomas S. Szasz on the subject, such as his famous The Tyranny Of Pharmacracy (http://www.independent.org/pdf/tir/tir_05_4_szasz.pdf).

Surprised? It was part of our mandatory literature back in med. school.

But it doesn't change my view at all. It rather reinforces it. 

I believe it is the duty of the State to fight deviant political beliefs, which are nearly always the sign of an underlying psychiatric disorder. With a prophylactic model of thoughts like mine, we could have avoided a Hitler, a Mussolini or a Pinochet with 99% certainty.

Feb 4, 2011 11:40 AM

I agree with Robot. The money flowing out of bonds can only reach one destination: stocks.

Feb 4, 2011 2:25 PM

You just have to kill all the unemployed people (in a human way, through lethal injection for example) and the global unemployment rate will drop.

But I don't think it will be needed, as the global recovery in the global economy is already creating jobs by the ton. Commodity prices reaching new highs proves that the worldwide recovery is accelerating, and that Keynesian policies are working.

Feb 4, 2011 2:31 PM

I know killing people might sound a bit far-fetched, but you have to understand that sometimes, you have to tackle the problem at the source. If there is no unemployed people left, there is no unemployment, and the global economy can grow again.

Dr. J. M. Keynes PhD., Dr. Ben S. Bernanke PhD., Dr. Paul Krugman PhD. (Nobel Prize) have already worked on the subject. Keynes was proposing to euthanize people on fixed income, so why not euthanize unemployed people? This is common sense.

This may sound immoral or cruel, but sometimes patriotism and sacrifice for the common good are needed.

Feb 4, 2012 12:13 AM

My advice is simple: go for it. Don't hesitate for a second. 

There is a warm future for mental health and community work in the US, especially when you consider that the said US are becoming increasingly "socialist" (which is a welcome evolution, in my mind). And I don't see this secular trend stopping anytime soon. 

In 2020 or 2025 max., every radical extremist in America will have been locked up and treated for his own good, and we'll need all the hands we can get in order to fill the brand new hospitals that are being built.

You could also explore the field of "Gender And Minority Studies", which attempts to scientifically deconstruct white racism and privilege. I had two of my brightest students who went that way and as far as I know they're very satisified. Practical applications include working as mediators or therapists in underprivileged areas of the US. 

Feb 5, 2012 1:29 PM

Well, actually, war can BE peace, if it is a war done to prevent other wars. The ideology of nonviolence and Gandhism is bullshit, and President Obama has understood it. 

Bullies only understand force.

Feb 5, 2012 1:45 PM

If by "bullies", you mean the Axis Of Evil (Iran, Cuba, Syria, Russia, China...) then I agree with you.

If you mean Israel or the USA then I suggest you seek treatment because your moral sense is seriously twisted, if not inverted. 

Feb 6, 2012 9:33 AM

Well, people should live with their time.

I don't have any problem with banks or private companies buying up old and obsolete Nation-States. It is the beginning of the "Diamond Age", and it will continue exponentially.

Jan 10, 2011 2:27 PM


Jan 10, 2011 3:09 PM

These people should buy our stock market instead of theirs.

Jan 10, 2011 3:19 PM

You are a fucking racist moron. Shame on you

Jan 10, 2011 7:34 AM

Just because there is an inflationary bubble right now does not mean the Federal Reserve Bank System is responsible for it. It's a coincidence.

Read Dr. Paul Krugman Ph.D. (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences) on the subject.

Jan 10, 2011 8:49 AM

This would be relevant if bankruptcies, defaults and value were still relevant.

This is forgetting the progress in the science of econometrics.

Some smart men like Dr. Ben S. Bernanke have found the way to unlimited prosperity. Therefore, defaults, bankruptcies, impoverishment do not matter, as you just have to print some money to create wealth.

Jan 10, 2011 9:02 AM


If you want to see fraud, go to Zimbabwe.

I'm glad I'm an American, and I'm very happy to live in this free, honest, democratic, formidable country, which brings together the finest minds of the world, working for our common prosperity and happiness.

Jan 10, 2012 1:32 PM

ONE... TWO... THREE... ooopen the cages !!!

Before your very eyes, the most ruthless specimens of doomer hyperinflationists, brought from the most remote provinces of the Empire, will confront in a match to the death the most savage and cruel pro-fiat doomers the Arena has ever witnessed on its soil. 

Well, it's not like the same match has been played over and over again... this time is different, both sides will have new arguments, I promise. 

Jan 11, 2011 11:09 AM

This is good news. A drop in Inventories means a bounce in consumer spending.

Jan 11, 2011 12:00 PM

"Get your insults right. There is, I believe, a fair bit of evidence against the hypothesis that I’m stupid. What you mean to say is that I’m evil."

I often agree with Krugman, but he seems a bit arrogant on this one.

Jan 12, 2011 12:47 PM

Nice bounce going on in the markets today.

DOW +0.89%

AAPL +0.61%

IBEX +5.29%

The world was supposed to end yesterday???


Jan 12, 2011 2:45 PM

I don't know why Robot is getting junked.

You can't have both DOW 5,000 and Gold 3,000.

It will be DOW 20,000 and Gold 3,000.

Still believing equities can go down in a printing press environment is foolish. Those who played that in the broke post-WWI Germany went... broke.

Jan 12, 2011 3:13 PM

Is the Dow overvalued, or is gold undervalued?

I can't see the Dow going to 1,384 from here, but I easily see gold going to 11,757 from here.

Stock can't go down in a zero-rate inflationary environment, nominatively speaking, for physical reasons. Thus, calling for a drop in equities is foolish, and playing it is a waste of time. Marc Faber understood it, and is bullish on equities. Just my two cents.

Jan 12, 2011 3:16 PM

As the economy has already restarted, I'm sure it will be painless.

Jan 12, 2011 7:22 PM

650,000 temporary jobs???

Our home decor business just hired 14 young persons in the Twin Cities. And these are permanent.

We're making record sales month after month, and I know some people in the business who observe the same results.

The consumer is spending, no matter what the doomers say.

Jan 12, 2011 7:27 PM

No, we sell furniture, lamps, carpets, yoga mats, LuluLemon outfits, etc. And I can swear on my life that the dollars we make are flowing like a waterfall.

Jan 16, 2011 9:40 PM

I agree with Robot. We will all be saved by the Federal Reserve. They know what they're doing, contrary to most doomers here.

Bernanke just has to print enough to pay back all the doomed mortgages, and it will be like nothing ever happened. America will come out of this crisis richer and stronger.

Jan 17, 2012 10:23 PM

Goldbugs and silverbugs share a large part of responsibility in this new crisis.

If all the money pumped into a useless yellow rock went into the global economy, we wouldn't be here today to deplore the fact a new recession is here. It's almost a crime against humanity if you think about it thoroughly. 

Jan 17, 2012 10:31 PM

Thomas Jefferson was actually in favour of a PAPER-based currency. This is evidenced by the fact that NO gold coins were ever minted by the US Treasury for daily use by the population: only bank bills. 

Jan 17, 2012 4:28 PM

If you think that ensuring vital stability in the banking system is "pillaging" then yeah, right... 

Before the Federal Reserve, there was a banking panic and a depression every fifteen years. 

Jan 17, 2012 4:32 PM

And I haven't even mentioned the continuous monetary deflation which was slowly killing every vital force in our economy. 

America has never witnessed more prosperity and technological innovation than since the day the FED was created. Nerdy libertarians and redneck confederates MUST FACE IT. 

Jan 17, 2012 4:38 PM

What??? What are you talking about, moron???

U.S. GDP was up every single year since 1913, with a few exceptions. You should go back to junior high. 

Jan 17, 2012 4:44 PM

OK, I admit I read too quickly. But that doesn't change my point.

The American economy was indeed in harsh and continuous decline throughout the 19th century (1801-1900). 

Poverty and misery were WIDESPREAD, notably among rural populations and African-Americans. Half of the US population was living under the poverty line. Do some research

Jan 17, 2012 7:18 PM

Yeah right, the reason a Big Mac is cheaper in China than in the US is because, I quote, "The Yuan is undervalued 44% against the US dollar".

Certainly not because of differences between the two countries, like cost of workforce or bigger agricultural production. 

Jan 18, 2011 6:25 PM

I sold all my AAPL shares just before the reports.

Jan 18, 2012 1:45 AM

Cry me a fucking river.

Sooner or later, PIPA or not, the U.S. government will put an end to the law of the jungle on the Internet and no one will ever be able to stop that from happening.

What history teaches us is that anarchy never survives. A natural order always emerges from the chaos. And when that time will come for the Internet, it will be the end of playtime for Ronpaulites, conspiracy theorists, paedophiles, libertarians, copyrighted content pirates, fetishists, white nationalists, hackers, terrorists and other weirdos. 

I hope you've enjoyed it while it lasted though, freaks. 

Jan 19, 2011 5:22 PM

-0.11%, this is what you call a "sell off"???

I can't believe the disinformation on this site!

Jan 20, 2011 11:48 PM

This is very good news for equities.

All the money diverted from municipal bonds will flow into stocks and the economy.

All the confidence built by stocks going up will do a lot to stimulate spending and jobs creation.

Jan 20, 2011 3:25 PM

Very solid bounce in equities today.

I've just bought all the AAPL shares I sold tuesday, and sold the rest of my gold.

The SPX will be at 1350 before May.

Jan 20, 2011 4:43 PM

This is good news. A rise in bonds rates will stimulate equities.

Jan 20, 2011 4:50 PM

You can't eat gold... Ben Ali is such a loser.

He should have departed with millions of AAPL shares and Irish government bonds.

Jan 21, 2012 3:48 AM

This is an act of war. 

I warmly recommend to President Obama an immediate military action against Iran (preferrably using strategic "carpet" bombing and "depleted uranium" ammunition for maximum damage), along with a painful but necessary crackdown on all anarchist, communist and anti-American organizations in the U.S. territory (such as "Veterans For Peace", "Food Not Bombs" or "Ron Paul" supporters).

These organizations are indeed a threat to the very essence of the American way of life and American strategic interests, and this makes actions against them 100% compatible with the First Amendment.

Jan 23, 2012 1:47 AM

ZeroHedge has been running stories like that since it exists. Some were far more vehement and there was not so much uproar in the comments. Zerohedge has changed, but much more in the leftist inclination of the comments over the last year than in the libertarian inclination of the articles. 

While banker welfare is problematic, welfare for the "poor" and the "minorities" is just as problematic, if not more, and the latter is precisely used by our shadowy masters, along with the entertainment and media industries, to quell any possible popular revolt (violent or electoral). 

This being said, being for or against government welfare is much more about your vision of the world -- your Weltenschauu -- than about logical arguing. 

Some people think that poor people don't want help, they want work, social ascension and dignity ; some others think that we should look at the causes of poverty rather than looking at artificially correcting poverty ; some others think that there is no problem with government welfare. 

Personnally, I tend to believe in the first two statements and not in the third. But I will not attempt to convince you. 

Note: I've temporarily broken my "cover" to answer this, as you may have noticed. 

Jan 23, 2012 11:57 AM

Cry me a fucking river.

If you don't want to submit yourself to TSA security imperatives, what prevents you from getting your dimwit ass out of airports??? Traveling internationally is a luxury, not a need. 

I mean, is this so hard to understand? Libertarian lunatics don't seem to have the I.Q. points necessary, unfortunately...

Jan 23, 2012 12:10 PM

Being patted down by civil agents and/or being submitted to cavity searches is NOT pleasant, I admit it, especially for the most prudish among us. 

But the ends justify the means, i.e., securing our territory against those who hate us for our freedom.

Jan 23, 2012 12:31 PM

I must agree with trav on this one. 

There are too much Black people working in airports, and this seems to be a phenomenon reaching all Western countries. 

I mean, in f***ing Roissy-CDG, 85/90% of the personnel is African. This is just too much. And that may explain why French airports are consistently the worst rated in international rankings.

Jan 25, 2012 12:56 PM

"status quo elite which is rapidly becoming irrelevant and obsolete"

Tyler, admit it, you're JEALOUS.

Jealous that you did not receive an invitation for Davos, like all Austrian lunatics. But their blacklisting is deserved, as their very dangerous "free for all" proposed policies would quickly lead the world to another world war and insane economic destruction. 

Jan 25, 2012 3:15 PM

Even if you're a commie, I tend to agree with you on that point George ...

Ahmadinejad does not really want war with the US.... or I hope he does not... because he knows deep inside himself that Iran is a shitty thrid-world country which is no match to the US military might. 

One American crusader emerges in the Straits of Hormuz, and lights out for all the little iranian speedboats. 

Jan 25, 2012 3:44 AM


Jan 26, 2012 7:44 PM

Good idea, but this "pledge" should be coerced, otherwise it has no chance to succeed. 

It is indeed true that the massive amounts of capital ridiculously stacked away out of psychosis and anti-bank paranoia in useless rocks is harming the U.S. economy though, you're spot on.

Jan 28, 2011 11:21 AM

-0.70%, that's what you call a "sell off"???

I can't believe the disinformation on this site. AAPL will close green, like every other day.

Jan 28, 2011 11:39 AM

Are you suggesting we should forbid this kind of leverage???

The cost to the global economy would be astronomical.

Levies are healthy and useful for the global economy and jobs creation.

Read Dr. Keynes or Dr. Krugman on this subject.

Jan 28, 2011 8:50 AM

Are you saying the US consumer should not feel confident???

Record corporate earnings, equities at pre-crisis levels, sounds like a recovery to me.

Jan 28, 2012 1:18 PM

"Back in the 1930's, Irving Fisher introduced a concept called the 'debt supercycle.' Simply put, it posits that when there is a buildup of too much debt within an economy, there reaches a point where there simply is no other available solution but to let it rewind. "

The same Irving Fisher who said, three days before the 1929 crash: "Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."

What a reference...

Jan 28, 2012 10:24 PM

blah blah blah

Disconnect from the Michael Savage show you're listening to and read some serious history. 

And the Bill Of Rights is totally compatible with a communist government. 

Jan 28, 2012 9:23 PM

Hayek was a simpleton

Jan 28, 2012 9:37 PM

Sorry but Friedrich Hayek is a complete moron and lunatic whose ideas have been utterly and irremediably decredibilized.

Nobody in the academic or economic world takes him for serious, and the fact he was a known alcoholic and sexual pervert when he was alive (like most libertarians and anarcho-capitalists) can bring a clue to why. 

I laughed my ass out when this creep started to brand the French revolution as "liberal" -- in the sense of "libertarian" -- when every kid of ecole maternelle in France knows that it was already socialist, and the harbinger of a totalitarian experiment known as La Terreur. 

When the revolutionaries sacked the tombs and sarcophaguses of the Bourbon royal family in the Basilique Saint-Denis, was it a "liberal" event? Or rather the mark of a totalitarian Statist government wanting to "erase the past" in the most brutish and horrible ways? 


Frankly, everytime a libertarian opens his mouth, he falls flat on his face. Even the most respected philosophers of this movement. This is starting to get tiresome. 

Jan 28, 2012 9:54 PM

This is a common misconception.

Actually, if you read carefully and exhaustively the published works and private letters of the Founding Fathers -- and notably Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin or John Adams -- you will discover a whole new reality. A reality that was hided from you by the libertarian propaganda machine in the U.S.

Most were interventionist, if not Colbertist like Hamilton.

As to Jefferson and Washington, they strongly supported slavery, selective democracy and antitrust action -- hardly something compatible with the libertarian "laissez-faire" agenda.

Jan 29, 2011 8:15 PM

This kind of event is not interesting, because it is forgetting the progress in the science of economics and econometrics.

As Dr. Keynes, Dr. Krugman and Dr. Ben Shalom Bernanke demonstrated, the old logic of credit cycles, booms and crashes is now obsolete and dangerous. It is a great leap backward to still take this seriously.

You just have to offset the monetary destruction by well-headed monetary creation.

The consequences for the world and for the human race are just tremendous: this is the end of poverty and economic crises.

Saudis are stupid: the Saudi central bank should just print money in order to replace the money destructed by this 6% drop (which is, under the light of the progress in economic sciences, irrelevant). This will be like nothing ever happened.

But instead, the brainwashed Saudi do what libertarians have lured them into doing: nothing.

Jan 29, 2012 10:14 AM

"Sarcophaguses" is a valid plural term for "Sarcophagus", moron

For the rest, give me a break, I am Canadian. You will notice that these are not spelling mistakes or even grammatical mistakes but mistakes pertaining to sayings or cultural differences. 

Jan 29, 2012 11:27 AM

There are 152,000 results, including in a Reuters article, for "sarcophaguses" on Google.

But I do admit you have a point, sarcophagi is more correct. 

Jan 3, 2012 1:27 PM

When something falls, it will continue falling down.

When something goes up, it will continue going up.

If only it was so simple... In finance, something never has a 100% chance to happen. And the 1% or 2% chance something may go wrong renders de facto every prediction, saying, rules or technical analysis useless. The oracles of Ancient Greece usually worked... but sometimes they didn't.

Jan 3, 2012 1:34 PM

Simon Black proves once again he is a traitor to his country (like most 9/11 troofers and OWS hippies) and a weasel.

He has only one wish in his life: seeing America, The Holy Land Of The Free, being wiped out from the surface of the Earth. 

But this will never happen, for scientific and religious reasons both. America will still be the world's greatest economic and military superpower a thousand years from now. 

Jan 3, 2012 1:39 PM

Empires blessed by God Himself never die. 

Nerdy libertarians, doomer conspiracy theorists, silverbug hillbillies and pro-Iran crackpots like Ron Paul will very soon learn this reality the hard way. 

Jan 3, 2012 2:04 PM

This article is full of shit. Conspiracy theories on a daily basis now, Zerohedge? I thought you were better than that. 

Jan 3, 2012 2:11 PM


The Medias actually treat Ron Paul very fairly and there is NO "corporate" (codeword that conspriacists anti-Semites use) plot against him. 

They just say the crystalline truth, namely, that he is unelectable. If he were elected, the USA would cease to exist in a ~3 months span. All the forces of economic collapse (thanks to his foolish idea of a return to the "gold standard") and atomic power (thanks to his brilliant ideas about non-interventionism) would be unleashed on our territory. 

Thankfully, the American masses are intelligent and will see through the barrage of lies and self-hatred emanating from the Ron Paul supporters. 


Jan 3, 2012 4:41 PM


Another demented, conspiracist rant from George Washington.

It is simply dishonorable to associate high-ranking, intellectual, educated and productive members of our society with these repulsive beings known as psychopaths, and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking one second about labeling honourable figures like Dr. Ben Bernanke PhD., Harvey Golub, Lloyd Blankfein or Jamie Dimon as such. 

Jan 30, 2011 4:04 PM

Precisely. And my patriotism defines my investment strategy.

Most extreme libertarians here on ZeroHedge are often nerds who got brutalized during the sports class by bullies, and now rejet society as a whole.

I'm here to teach them that being American is to love people, to love our corporations, our politicians. I'm here to drive them away from the perdition of hard currency.

Jan 31, 2011 10:13 AM

I've sold all my gold one week ago, and I don't regret it.

Jan 31, 2011 10:19 AM

Libertarians and permabears are so rude.

Jan 31, 2011 12:25 PM

Are you saying quantitative easing and POMO are a bad thing???

Without QE, the economy would have completely collapsed. Instead, we have stock market growth and global economic growth (i.e. economic recovery).

The only thing that could spoil the recovery is inflation, but we are not seeing any of this yet, and likely never.

Jan 31, 2011 12:27 PM

I own several consumer discretionary retail stores.

If there was inflation in buying prices, believe me, I would see it.

Jan 31, 2011 12:40 PM

QE and POMO will never end. It will be extended forever in June.

Jan 31, 2011 12:48 PM

Well, this is driven by demand. That proves the global economy is back on track, and that it's time to massively invest in stocks.

I've just bought a few more AAPL and NFLX stocks.

Jan 31, 2011 12:58 PM

And what's the next step, putting Alan Greenspan into the gas chamber???

I can't believe the extremism of libertarians.

Jan 31, 2011 2:14 PM

Draining liquidity???

That would cause a terrible collapse.

Ben should keep printing, as it seems to be very efficient yet. And only gold bugs are offended by this, the general population doesn't care, with reason.

Jan 31, 2011 2:50 PM

And equities keep rallying.

Another time, ZH permabears. The collapse is not for today.

Jan 31, 2011 7:13 PM

"will likely end up with at least one presidential palace being sacked this will be quite a useful function to track the ongoing revolution."

I wouldn't go that far. The Egyptians will understand that it's in their best interests that Mubarak stays in power, because who knows what's coming next???

I think they should buy stocks which adjust well to inflation (AAPL, for example). This should cover the increase in food prices and help them acquire wealth.

Jan 31, 2011 8:32 AM

They should have sufficient money to import food via the postal service. $10, $15, not a big deal.

Jan 31, 2012 1:12 PM

Charles Hughes Smith is a very dangerous conspiracy theorist, identified positively in the last ADL report. 

I'm horrified that ZeroHedge purposely reproduces here his demented rumblings, namely, conspiracy theories that central bankers are "out to get us", or conspiracy theories that the Federal Reserve is some sort of "front" for a secretive banking cabal wanting to increase their wealth and not a honest and indispensable government institution. 

Tyler, you sure put some interesting things sometimes, but you open way too much your Guest Posts to the fringe of the fringe. It is starting to harm the reputation of your site.

Jan 31, 2012 1:23 PM

According to a survey directed by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2006, the few Americans who oppose the actions of the ADL in protecting minorities tend to be, overwhelmingly, trailer park, low-brow white trash. Well, I think we have found a new subject to add to the sample. 

Jan 31, 2012 8:47 PM

I'm glad that my fellow Americans finally saw the light and relegated Ron Paul to the dustbins of history.

This freak was a menace, a ticking bomb, for himself and for society. It puzzles how he was even able to post his candidature. His place is in a sanitarium, surrounded by therapists, not in a serious political arena like a U.S. presidential race. 

Jan 31, 2012 9:13 PM

Some day, go for a walk. Unseal the heavy steel doors of your retrofitted doom bunker, pop the intellectual bubble you live in, and talk to real people -- I mean, people of flesh and blood, not some 13-year old libertarian asshat on an Internet forum or virtual lizards in the new crap Bethesda Softworks came up with. 

You will discover an incredible world, populated by hard-working, smart, educated, faithful and civilized Americans. None of these citizens, as unlikely and strange it may seem, is preoccupied by things like "bank runs", "COMEX paper", "libertarianism", "gold standard", "State bankruptcies", or the "evil Zionistas". 

In fact, they tend to be perfectly happy with the world they live in --- notwithstanding a few details, of course. But globally, they love this system: universal democracy, a humane Welfare-oriented government, an inflationist monetary policy, a mixed economy, an incredible personal freedom compared to the rest of the world, and a standard of living that never stopped to go up and up since the 1950s. 

That's why they constantly vote for an Ivy League-educated GOP or Democrat candidate. It's not because of rigged elections. It's because they are happy. 

Once you have understood that, and understood that no government in history has ruled without the consent of the majority of its subjects, this world that sounds so scary and full of conspiracies to you may appear a bit clearer and nicer. 

Jan 4, 2011 6:10 PM

Actually, Bloomberg is right.

As gold is not used to purchase tangible goods and services anywhere in the world, I'm sorry to inform gold bugs that it is a fiat currency -- a fiat currency based on nothing, except jewerelly and its shiny color. The US dollar, at least, is backed by the assets of America.

Jan 4, 2011 6:15 PM

I've just sold all my gold yesterday, and bought some AAPL with it.

It was a pleasant speculative move to play, with success -- but now, it is obvious the yellow metal is oriented towards a lenghty correction.

Those who think gold and silver will perform well in the coming decades will go from delusion to delusion.

Jan 4, 2011 6:27 PM

Factories, workers, innovation, wealth: you know, the real world out there, far from your doomers' cave.

Jan 6, 2011 10:22 AM

This is somewhat misleading. Nothing proves the drop in the BDY corresponds to a drop in demand. It may well be an increase in supply, i.e. a stronger economy building more ships.

Jan 6, 2011 7:53 AM

This proves what I've said. Every obscure bad piece of news that can be found makes the headlines on Zerohedge, while very strong data is ignored. The global economy is improving, and the enormous 5% increase in factory orders in Germany last month is something that cannot be invented.

Jan 9, 2011 1:37 AM

Did you know that in the Roman Empire, murder was a common occurence, and Senators/emperors were routinely assassinated? Not even talking about the circus games. Just sayin'.

Jan 9, 2011 1:38 AM

Are you a virgin? Your defense of women is very romantic.

Jan 9, 2011 5:33 AM

That wouldn't be a bad idea at all. People who talk all day long about silver manipulation, JPM shorts or dollar debasement instead of buying the dip have a serious mental problem.

Jan 9, 2011 5:49 AM

200 West Street 29th Floor
New York, NY 10282
United States

Jan 9, 2012 1:48 PM

"They almost DESERVE to get fucked over."

People like me have been saying that for years: i.e. that the Greeks were filthy pigs who lived like kings and behaved like arrogant parvenus for more than 10 years on borrowed (i.e. stolen) money.

But for whiny leftists, it it always the fault of capitalism, never the fault of the people. It is so easy to accuse something invisible and vaporous when the fucking responsibles are RIGHT in your eyes. 

Jan 9, 2012 10:28 PM

"one of the most educated and intelligent readership bases one could hope for"

I like you too, Tyler. 

Good anniversary to ZH. 

Jan 9, 2012 7:30 PM

Have you a problem with war, fucking commie???

Jul 24, 2011 3:19 PM

This is a very serious and grave event, a clear attempt to undermine American interests (and thus democracy, human rights, freedom and justice across the world). 

How can you applaud this??? 

I know your frustration and hate over the markets constantly going higher and higher (thus confirming the global economic recovery) have evolved into a very sick hate of your own country, but don't you think enough is enough???

Jul 24, 2011 3:24 PM

Lol, what would the Chinese do? They are - simply put - poor and weak. 

In America, we have a very high-IQ (120+) and healthy population, solid principles and motivations, an incredibly strong economy (despite what all the doomers say), and high-grade equipment and technology. 

WWIII, if it happens, will only result in the complete annihilation of the Yellows.

Jul 26, 2011 10:07 AM

"Well by that logic there are private businesses that cover every aspect of the government's "job" much better, and much more efficiently"

Are you saying that between a private company and a public company, it is the private company that is the most efficient??? 

Thankfully, nearly nobody nowadays shares your outdated and extremist views. The United States of America are on their way to become a fully socialist (i.e. humanist) country, and nothing, nothing will stop this march. 

Jul 26, 2011 10:17 AM

I wouldn't risk shorting at this point. Not with LULU still near its all-time highs. 

Jul 26, 2011 12:15 PM

So much DOOM...

You may be right, but I prefer to ignore all this and be happy. 

Jun 1, 2011 4:12 PM

Silver has been the official currency in the Roman Empire, China and the British Empire for centuries, dipshit. 

Jun 1, 2011 4:17 PM

Sounds like a disgruntled deflationist who lost all his money shorting the SPY and missing the PM rally.

Sorry dude, but your nightmare is far from over. In 2020 your stash of dollars will buy a metro ticket. 

Jun 10, 2011 1:32 PM

Because you are a nerdy white guy who can't stand up for himself. You're too concerned about rules and laws, while both Pigmen and parasites make their own. 

Jun 10, 2011 1:48 PM

Good idea, but think about hedging inflation too.

Jun 10, 2011 1:49 PM

Repeating the same thing over and over won't make it happen, and you know it. 

The market will never be allowed to find its equilibrium and the banks will never be allowed to fail as long as there is money in the bailout crate. 

Jun 10, 2011 2:24 PM

Hilarious. The PigMen have once again achieved the "impossible", right when the SPY was finally going to have a correction. 

I expect LULU to reach back its all-time highs as soon as monday.

Jun 10, 2011 7:45 AM

As I've said, our reserves of oil are infinite, because it is continuously produced by the Earth and can artificially be made using bacteries. 

This piece of news will rejoice the "peakoilistas", but I personally guarantee that we'll never run out of oil.

Jun 10, 2011 8:55 AM

Then why does China continue to buy Treasuries???

Jun 11, 2011 3:49 PM

For now, they seem to better master AfterEffects than hacking. 

But I'll wait and see. 

Jun 11, 2011 3:56 PM


Jun 13, 2011 5:09 PM

"But whoever the new owners turned out to be, "they won't be allowed to fence them off. The public and hikers have right of way," mayor Ausserlechner insisted."

Then what is the purpose of the deal??? 

A private property that is not private has very limited interest.

Jun 13, 2011 5:22 PM

*shocking revelation*

Homo Sapiens has conquered the Earth and became the ultimate apex predator long ago, whether people like it or not.

There's nothing shocking in offering for sale territories. It's that or stealing (i.e. war). 

So please spare us your ecological loony BS. 

Jun 13, 2011 6:03 PM

"This is STUPID. Keep it up you retards. Give the government one more reason to pass another internet bill aimed at making anyone who wants access required to have some sort of ID registered with the government!"

The very structure of TCP/IP makes an ID-mandatory system inapplicable and hackable. The only weak point of the Internet (and thus the only point on which governments can act) is the DNS servers. But the DNS aren't required at all for the Web to function. 

By the way, you already have your ID "mandatorily" registered: it's called an ISP subscription. 

Jun 13, 2011 7:00 PM

Hilarious. The PigMen will always find ways to escape. 

So will US Treasuries. The more sovereign turmoil there is, the more the rate on the 10yr seems to drop... while gold and silver get dumped in priority by the 'risk managers'. 

Jun 13, 2011 7:04 PM

I am the only HamyWanger. The true, the beginning and the end. 

Jun 13, 2011 7:14 PM

There will be no restructuring, not even a "mild, soft, voluntary" restructuring. Nothing. 

I engage my personal credibility with this statement and I have not lost any centimeter on my position. 

The few lunatic, silverbug, nerdy libertarian rednecks who believe Greece is going to default are going to have their ass handed over in a plate, with parsley and salt. 

Greece is fine and will always stay that way

Jun 13, 2011 7:17 PM

Greece is already witnessing an enormous and incredible economic recovery. You can't see it yet, but it's happening. I have local contacts on the ground who confirm shipping activity is picking up. 

Jun 14, 2011 11:09 PM

He's Red Neck Repugnicant, alias Texas Gunslinger. 

He has a particular grudge against libertarians. 

Jun 14, 2011 12:04 PM

Greece is fine!!!

Jun 14, 2011 2:34 PM

I'm glad the Honorable Dr. Ben S. Bernanke has accepted this invitation. Maybe his sage words will reassure all the doomers who really think the federal budget is on a "crash course". 

Jun 14, 2011 2:38 PM

It's an official title, dipshit. And yes, he is considered honorable among the crème de la crème of society. 

Jun 14, 2011 9:47 PM

It only takes $5 to dig silver out of the ground, bitchez

I have contacts in big South America mining companies who have confirmed that there was an enormous oversupply since ~April/May. 

Add to that the dropping paper price which will lead to panick some redneck silverbugs, and the slaughter is far from over. 

Jun 14, 2011 9:54 PM

And the PigMen impregnate doomer goldbugs. 

Jun 15, 2011 10:01 AM

The "black swan" all doomers are waiting for won't probably arrive until 2013. Then, yes, the global financial system will engage in a rapid collision course. 

But in the meantime, the money is to be made on being long stocks. 

Jun 16, 2011 10:45 AM

People working in banks or running for a polical office both have a (pharanoic) financial interest in not telling the truth. 

Thus why pay attention? Everybody is corruptible.

When Papandreou or Bernanke say that there's a "recovery", they do not mean it seriously, because they don't have a sub 110 IQ. It's just that someone at JP Morgan promised them a high-pay job or a compensation in the future for that.

Jun 16, 2011 10:55 AM

I got enough of trolling. It was an amusing ride, though. 

Jun 16, 2011 10:57 AM

And you are a retard loser who lost all his savings shorting the DOW after March 2009. I can understand why you hate me and Robot. Seriously dude, stop sounding so embittered. 

Jun 16, 2011 7:16 AM

I totally admit that the situation is both ridiculous, absurd and catastrophic, with "buy some time" counter-productive decisions being taken, and total confusion in the atmosphere. 

But a "credit event" can't happen, because it would mean that the "black swan" all goldbugs are waiting for has arrived.

The PigMen will do whatever it takes to avoid that and secure their wearing off power, including murders.

Jun 16, 2011 7:18 AM

"Some 3-month refinancing tenders will be injected soon for everybody to pile into."

Of course, but the ECB is running short of true capital, and will soon be obliged to create "lines" out of thin air. 

Jun 16, 2011 7:25 AM

"A default is highly deflationary and will result an flight into the $/treasuries/german bonds and a gold price collapse..."

Deflation kills indebted States, dipshit. 

Jun 16, 2011 7:51 AM

"Deflation does kill indebted states, but gives less reason to buy gold dipshit. "

States control the money supply, and they won't accept their death, so they will print to avoid it, dipshit.

Are you sure your grey matter volume is sufficiently high to understand this simple connection? It seemed so simple to me that I did not feel the need to write it, but then...

Jun 16, 2011 7:56 AM

"Indebted states can simply raise taxes or cut spending, problem solved."

Raising taxes or cutting spending in a deflationary environment does not make the State richer, as the GDP drops nearly by the same amount. 

"Anyway, paper money is "destroyed" causing the price of the remaining paper money to go up. "

I don't want the definition of deflation, fucktard. I already know it. 

I'm saying that States have no rational reason to prefer default over monetizing, and that across three thousand years of recorded history they always chose the latter, to the great disappointement of cash hoarder deflationists, who sometimes saw their holdings devalued by 50% overnight by a simple decree, such as in 1932, Front Populaire, France.

Jun 16, 2011 8:22 AM

"The monetizing route has been tried for the last decades with great "success"..."

Bullshit. There has absolutely been no single monetization event in the West during the last decades, except if you think low rates is "monetization", which it isn't. 

"It has reached its limits (commodity prices skyrocketing + debt saturation everywhere)"

Monetization reduces debt. 

" and therefore States have no option left but default/austerity/cut spending."

Which means their military and political death. On the other hand, monetizing is a stealth tax levied on all the population to fill the pockets of the government and big debt holders. Can you see a pattern there, or you don't have the level needed to box with me?

Jun 16, 2011 8:27 AM

I always recognize deflationists five miles away through their ignorance of basic history, their lack of "outside the box" thinking, and their (logic) frustrated and revanchist tone about having been raped in the ass by a +110% stock rally since March 2009.

Jun 16, 2011 8:30 AM

What you prefer is irrelevant. What libertarians and Ron Paul lovers prefer is irrelevant. 

They are mosquitos in the grand scheme of things. They don't hold any power and never will. 

Jun 16, 2011 9:37 AM

She will eventually, but unless there is a surprise government collapse (which would cause an immediate 2008 redux), they can kick the can 6 or 7 months more. 

Jun 16, 2011 9:49 AM

A government official whose erect dick has been seen by the entire world can't be taken seriously anymore.

The deal was in when Pelosi asked him to resign. Congrats to all who bought the contract. 

Jun 18, 2011 8:35 PM

"I has envisioned a good portion of the 290 million citizens engaging in banker and politician assasination 'sport' with the balance of the crowd quietly supporting them by not assisting authorities."

Sorry kid, but you're delusional. If you try to kill a banker on the street, your logic end will be a lethal injection table and an orange pyjama. And nobody will do shit to stop the process. 

Just trying to bring some sanity into the usual "Revolution tomorrow" libertarian predications, which have yet to materialize into something tangible after the decades (if not centuries) they are evoked as "starting any time now". 

Jun 18, 2011 8:45 PM

By this very comment, you have ridiculed yourself. The point of the article posted by Simon Black was precisely to show that the people yelling "I will stay and fight" are actually either pussies who will never follow through with acts, or delusional nutjobs.

It's good to say that you are not a pussy ; better to actually propose a plan of action with a probability to work.

Jun 18, 2011 9:02 PM

The most broke States in history have always managed to pay cops and soldiers, even when there were physical goods shortages. They do it in priority.

They usually proceed via money printing, or requisitions. 

Sorry to spoil the dreams of libertarian, anarchist lunatics, but even in Zimbabwe or Weimar Germany there was still a functioning law and order application. No sane government would cease to pay the very people that maintain it. 

Jun 3, 2011 8:33 AM

Swarms of libertarian rednecks: 1, 2, 3... 

Jun 5, 2011 11:38 AM

"Ireland has the right idea.  The IMF has no legal nor moral authority, and the people will soon figure that out."

Repeating over and over the same thing won't make it happen. 

The truth is that outside of libertarian fringe groups, people are totally satisfied with the current world and by the bank bailouts. And what I assert will be confirmed by a reelection of a member of the current elite in the presidential elections to come.

Jun 5, 2011 2:25 PM

More drama. Wake me up when real (i.e. with consequences) change happens.

Jun 5, 2011 4:32 PM

Nothing. A power elite party chases the second. In ten years it will be the reverse, and bis repetita. 

Jun 6, 2011 11:52 AM

"The funny bunny"

How is this funny, exactly? 

Jun 7, 2011 10:57 AM

Well, it confirms what I've said. Peak oil is fantasy. Saudis can hike their output whenever they want. On the other hand, Peak Doom is approaching. 

Jun 8, 2011 3:09 PM

There's a factor most gold/silverbugs choose to ignore: paper money is beautiful, light and practical. 

The main reason peoples have very easily adopted paper notes across the history is because they had enough of clutching heavy, undividable coins. 

Jun 8, 2011 3:19 PM

" so long as it is backed by pms."

Bullshit. There's no way to assure yourself that every dollar emitted has been really backed by gold. Cheating has always existed.

The only way to make a real "gold standard" is to directly use gold denomination, in milligrams for example. 

Jun 8, 2011 3:24 PM

In your dreams, maybe. But in the real world, nobody will take your silver for bread. I wouldn't.

Jun 8, 2011 5:25 PM

Robot, bro', I'm beginning to be worried too about a possible stocks correction. XRT has started to fall like a stone and LNKD has not been supported by the Pigmen like I had anticipated. 

Jun 8, 2011 7:40 AM

The problem with the debt limit is a regulatory problem, not an economic problem. 

As I've said, the world is ruled by men, not holy words. Thus the debt ceiling will be hiked. If it is not done by the Congress, it will be done by an Obama Executive Order exploiting some forgotten loophole in the Presidential powers, in case of an "imminent peril", stuff like that. 

Jun 9, 2011 4:59 PM

And so what???

It's not like we're a poor country. We have the means to spend all that money in one week. We ain't no Bangladesh or Zimbabwe. 

I can't imagine for a second the United States of America going bankrupt.

Mar 1, 2011 1:02 PM

William the bastard is currently in the refectory of his junior high school. 

Robot is asking his mother permission to go on the Internet. 

Mar 1, 2011 1:05 PM

Must agree with JohnyBravo on this one. 

The move in silver is just speculation fueled by greedy miners hoarding their production. Going to crash soon.

Mar 1, 2011 1:33 PM

Have you ever seen a pristine-looking JohnsonMattey 10oz. bar cut in two to reveal a tungsten core? I did. 

Mar 1, 2011 1:39 PM

The awful truth is that there is even counterfeit Silver Eagles.

I know several Chinese laboratories who are making them. They are currently flooding the US market with large quantities. 

It is a tungsten-chrome alloy which is polished via laser. You can't differentiate real silver from it. 

I'm sure most silver bugs here have some of these innocent-looking coins hidden in their stashes.

Mar 1, 2011 1:48 PM

They started mass production when the Oz price reached $20. 

I believe they are now about 60% of the annual Eagles sold in the US, and 25% in Europe. 

Mar 1, 2011 12:54 PM

I've just sold on my gold on todays high. 

It was a pleasant move to ride, but now the time is to go long stocks.

Mar 1, 2011 12:57 PM

William the bastard, Biggus Dickus and JohnyBravo (Math Man) are on the march.

Mar 1, 2011 8:19 AM

William the bastard and Biggus Dickus are arriving.

I hope they will join me in the anti-silver fight.

Mar 10, 2011 2:43 PM

I'm worried about these events and the possible consequencies on equities.

I hope Saudis will soon come to their senses and realize that the best option for them is preserving the status quo.

Sure, their King might not be perfect, but who knows what's coming next???

These "protests" harm their economy and the global economic recovery.

Mar 10, 2011 2:47 PM

It is my civic duty to elevate myself against anything that can harm the global economic recovery and the socialist revolution which accompanies it. If banks go bankrupt, States will too, and I don't want to see this. 

Mar 10, 2011 3:16 PM

As extreme as it may seem, I'm afraid it's needed for the global economic recovery to sustain.

A little inflation never harmed anyone. According to Dr. Paul Krugman PhD and Dr. Barack H. Obama, a high inflation (>20%) could even make Americans wealthier. 

Mar 10, 2011 3:29 PM

There is no difference between real and nominal. 

Some people say that inflation is a bad thing, but they're often lunatic, bigot, nerdy libertarians. 

Actually, inflation is what makes people richer. The Weimar Germany experience was not a failure. This is a libertarian lie. 

Most Germans got wealthier during the 1922-1923 period, and it was also very good for equities.

Mar 10, 2011 5:28 PM

The primary dealers are here to buy the dip, with fresh, free money. 

DOW +2% tomorrow. 

Mar 11, 2011 1:10 PM

Huge crash coming to the PM complex soon... unload before it's too late

Mar 11, 2011 1:16 PM

He died by urinal cake suffocation. 

Mar 11, 2011 1:17 PM

"If we do it is on to $1650!"

Drop the 1 at the beginning, and you're close to reality

Mar 11, 2011 1:21 PM

Johnny Bravo, Leo, Robot, William the bastard and Math Man are on the march.

Goldbugs and silverbugs ankles are shaking. 

Mar 11, 2011 1:25 PM

Don't Japanese live in Vault-Tech facilities already? 

Mar 11, 2011 11:21 PM

No one can bruteforce a sufficiently long and complex password, and even less an AES keyfile.

Not even the FBI or the Chinese secret services.


Mar 11, 2011 5:43 PM

A little radiation never harmed anyone. Actually, small doses are good for health, just like inflation. 

I expose myself every morning to irradiated steel. A Ph.D doctor once told me nuclear radiation is good for the skin. 

Mar 11, 2011 6:54 PM

This is good news for equities. Facilities destroyed will need to be recontructed, thus generating turnover for companies. 

Mar 13, 2011 10:25 PM

I don't understand all the hype about nuclear reactors explosions.

As I've posted on this thread (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/kyodo-reports-radiation-eight-times-normal-near-fukushima-nuclear-plant), nuclear radiation in small doses is actually good for your health. 

Sure, there may be some damage, but not directly caused by the radiation. 

Mar 13, 2011 10:39 PM


Prepare to be junked abunduntly by the choir crowd of ZH.

Mar 13, 2011 10:40 PM

I have  a Ph.D. in medicine, and I think I can answer you.

Radiation levels don't go down, indeed, but radiation isotopes tend to accumulate in living organisms and water rather than in the air over time. 

Though, the human body can absorb ultra-high doses of nuclear radiation without suffering of any problematic effect, as documented by science. 

There is no need to worry about anything. 

Mar 13, 2011 11:14 PM

Says the guy who pretends to be someone he isn't.

Mar 13, 2011 11:32 PM

Where is the problem in not having a dick? I've read somewhere that a vasectomy reduces your risk of cancer from 22.70%. 

Mar 13, 2011 11:44 PM

Must agree with Harry on this one. 

This is just water steam caused by the cooling system.

I wouldn't worry about this "explosion" which isn't one. 

Mar 13, 2011 5:51 PM

I agree with my friend Robot on this one. 

No way the "fraud" is ever going to be prosecuted. 

Bigot, nerdy libertarians need to deal with it. 

Mar 14, 2011 11:05 PM

I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably a display error. 

Mar 14, 2011 11:07 PM

It has already begun. 

Nikkei futures : -12.09%

DOW futures : -1.45% 

Nearly a factor 10, which is of course ridiculous, but this is what happens when a market is entirely controlled by the PDs. 

Mar 14, 2011 11:12 PM

I wouldn't worry about it. The BoJ and the FED will continue to monetize the losses, and it will be like nothing happened. 

Mar 15, 2011 7:29 AM

I wouldn't worry about all this. The Japanese will soon come to their senses and realize that the best option for them is preserving the status quo. Besides, CNBC just said it will have no consequences on the world economy. 

I've just bought the dip in equities this morning with all my life savings on a x150 leverage. This is a unique buying opportunity!!!

Mar 15, 2011 9:21 AM

I'm glad some action has finally been taken. Equities drops are now officially illegal in America.

Nerdy libertarians need to deal with it. 

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy. 

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

Mar 15, 2011 9:25 AM

It basically means that the stock exchange stops displaying information on the market to reduce possible selling panicks. You buy and sell à l'aveugle.

Mar 16, 2011 9:43 AM

I wouldn't worry about this. It's just a couple of tiles which fell from the rooftop, and some water steam from the cooling system. 

Mar 16, 2011 9:44 AM

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

DOW +3% today. 

Mar 17, 2011 11:31 AM

"With the terrible earthquake and resulting tsunami that have devastated Japan, the only good news is that anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer.

This only seems counterintuitive because of media hysteria for the past 20 years trying to convince Americans that radiation at any dose is bad. There is, however, burgeoning evidence that excess radiation operates as a sort of cancer vaccine."


I'm glad such a smart and beautiful woman as Ann Coulter finally brings the light to the truth and agrees with me.


Nuclear radiation has always been good for the human body. 

Mar 17, 2012 3:42 PM

Stop Paying Your Taxes ... and end in prison

Mar 17, 2012 3:45 PM

No, Lopez is right, there is nothing to worry about in the Utah Data Center if you're a normal, law-abiding citizen.

And that's why the American people do not care about this story right now, just as they don't care about the Federal Reserve, the bank bailouts and other topics. The NSA will never take you in for questioning if you have a normal life, you are a Patriot and are integrated into the national community.

Only paranoid and extremist libertarians preparing a Coup or a terrorist attack in the USA (like the Oath Keepers, the Alternative Network project or the Stormfront community) do worry. And they should.

Mar 17, 2012 4:02 PM

I am a concerned American patriot with left-wing leanings (I've voted Democrat far all my life except for George W. Bush, I liked his strong stance on war and terrorism).

I believe this country is going to hell because of racial hatred, class hatred and splinter groups (like the libertarians) who refuse to stay in the community and support our government. 

We need a UNITED country to survive the coming century, and it's on this principle that I define my life and my political activism.

Mar 17, 2012 4:09 PM

How can you be "on the wrong side" of universal democracy?

If you don't like our government that means you don't like your people, your sister or your father. They chose Barack Obama as their leader in 2008. 

Mar 17, 2012 4:19 PM

"the Prisons are full, where would they put a couple of hundred thousand??

How would they get two hundred thousand taxpayers through court? I'd like to see that farce, the media would have a field day!"

Exceptional tribunals and retention/concentration camps were invented precisely to do that. The American Law allows it, and Roosevelt knew it when he ordered the compulsory internment of all Japanese-Americans during WWII.

The avaliable space in prisons has never been an issue in the history of mankind. When a State wants someone "out" it always gets what he wants.

Mar 18, 2011 10:41 AM

"I realized from a very early stage that the market is a whole rigged job. There's no chance that investors have in this market." -- Bernard Lawrence Madoff

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it.

DOW +2% today. 

Mar 18, 2011 3:54 PM

Weren't you supposed to leave for El Salvador this morning? 

Mar 18, 2011 4:11 PM

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it.


Mar 18, 2011 4:19 PM

No way one of the Wall Street crooks will ever go to jail. 

Nerdy libertarians need to deal with it. 

GS, JPM and the FED will still exist in 50 years, and Ben Bernanke will end his life in tranquillity and wealth. 

Mar 19, 2011 1:11 PM

Must agree with my friend Bearster on this one. 

No one should be legally allowed to criticize Israel. 

Mar 19, 2011 1:28 PM

Lmao! If this is true, every Fed governor since 1913 should have been put to death. 

Except that laws only apply to the little guy, not the Pigmen. 

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

Mar 19, 2011 11:37 AM

These are negligeable levels. I wouldn't worry about it.

So much DOOM for an event that will never reach the Three Mile Island level. 

Mar 19, 2011 11:44 AM

long socks? Of course I am. 

Once the initial hype and doom about Fukushima disappears, we'll be on our way to DOW 16,000 before June. 

Buy the Nikkei. It's a unique opportunity. 

Mar 19, 2011 2:58 PM

Don't expect Montana rednecks to start any time soon a rebellion. They are too busy talking about it. 

Mar 2, 2011 1:33 PM

Must agree with my friend RNR on this one. 

I can't understand libertarians. How can someone hate governments and States? This is so strange and outdated. History taught us to wary of liberty. 

Besides, if we allowed the crisis to happen, every racist libertarian bitching about the bailouts and QE2 on this site would be broke. 

Mar 2, 2011 1:56 PM

In the idea of a socialist, the State must act to reduce inequalities, which are interpreted as injustices. Red Neck Repugnicant (and me) will be satisfied when everybody on Earth will have the exact same amount of money, forever. The ideal for socialists is a world government, which can act to target inequalities everywhere on the globe and prevent fiscal evasion. 

Libertarians propose to suppress the State, and therefore support injustice. 

Mar 20, 2012 1:16 PM

Some of them may get interested, but the vast majority of American people don't care about your conspirationist and anti-Semite "books", and never will

And the majority holds the power in a universal democracy. Too bad for libertarian losers and randian nutjobs.

Mar 20, 2012 1:24 PM

Well, it is not by chance that I very often see the words "hofjuden", "yid" and 'judefetzen" on the libertarian blogosphere, is it?

These words come from very ancient and very dangerous theories about the banking system, power, the origin of money, and the nature of the Jewish people.

And the "Second Look At The Federal Reserve" of Griffin simply recycles these theories: that bankers are inherently bad, that central banks function mostly as a proxy for legally counterfeiting money, that old banker dynasties rule the world and have bought up the medias, etc.

Mar 20, 2012 1:31 PM

Self-hating Jews exist, and they are an eternal shame and source of incomprehension for me and my people.

Rothbard, the guy who praised David Duke and got him a seat on the Louisiana house is a good example, now that you mention it.

Mar 21, 2012 10:18 PM

It is clearly puzzling because TD very rarely bans. It shows at least that the libertarian concept of free speech cannot be absolute and total and is therefore a hypocrisy.

Mar 21, 2012 5:08 PM

I give more credit to the thoughts of highly-respected and educated economists like Thomas Friedman or Paul Krugman (both PhDs) than to the thoughts of anonymous losers and nobodies.

And my fellow Americans, especially progressives, think like me. Too bad for libertarian nerds

Mar 21, 2012 5:22 PM

Thomas Friedman may be a hack, but he gets more money and pussy than you

Mar 21, 2012 5:26 PM

I have approx. 2 kg of physical gold, just in case. As an insurance policy. But I don't think a dollar collapse will happen

Mar 21, 2012 7:59 PM

It still looks like a conspriacy theory to me

Mar 21, 2012 9:25 PM

trav was not banned. His profile is still accessible. His avatar has disappeared though.

Mar 21, 2012 9:42 PM

I forgot one 7, indeed. 

It's a pity we don't know the reason of his ban. Racism? That would be gross. 

Mar 22, 2011 7:40 AM

Moving 143 tonnes of gold will be hard, but far from impossible. Just hidden in a ship going to Venezuela, and hop. 

Mar 22, 2011 8:37 AM

DOW +3% today to celebrate this. 


Mar 24, 2012 5:07 PM

I simply see a smart guy who exploits at his profit the mental retardation of gullible and naive doomer goldbugs. I've thought about doing the same thing for a while, the tungsten rod idea is a good one.

Mar 25, 2011 4:24 PM

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it.

Mar 25, 2012 3:47 PM

It must suck to be a libertarian. Hating so much life and other people you are obliged to rejoice over less youngsters going to college and having an education due to the recession.

It was so much better at the time of children working in coal mines, wasn't it? 

Mar 25, 2012 3:56 PM

You perfectly know what I meant, and you are embarrassed by it.

Fact is, a lot of libertarians right now are rejoicing over this piece of news. I've been in close contact with them longer than you, and this makes me all too knowledgeable about the insane levels of sociopathy in this milieu.

Mar 26, 2012 11:39 AM

I am horrified by the level of hate and abuse directed at overweight people I see in this thread and more generally on the libertarian/financial blogosphere.

TOLERANCE and ACCEPTANCE of people different than you, is it so hard to do?

My weight is 385 lb., and I'm happy of that. I don't plan any change in my diet or life. I much prefer being a bit "round" than being a puny libertarian computer nerd

Mar 26, 2012 11:48 AM

Yes, and so what?

The majority always becomes the norm. When obese people will be the majority not only in the US, but also on television and other medias, what do you think will happen? 

Skinny people like you will feel like misfits, and people will laugh at them in the streets. 

Mar 3, 2011 10:48 AM

Where is my friend RobotTrader? 

I haven't seen him in a week. 

Mar 4, 2011 10:24 AM

Yesterday, we opened two consumer discretionary stores (home decor) in Detroit, MI, and are hiring 7 sellers. The city's economy is bouncing incredibly fast, and we already make more than we do in San Francisco or NYC.

If you want jobs and wealth, move to Detroit. This is the new place to be, believe me.

On a larger scale, it is obvious the global economic recovery is accerelating at a very fast pace. The drop in unemployment (8.9%) proves that silverbug libertarian permadoomers were wrong.


Mar 4, 2011 10:38 AM

It is true that we make most of our profits selling to welfare moms, and we had to install our own diesel power generator (electricity has been shut down in some areas of the city for 2 years), but Detroit is still the place to be if you want to make money. 

Government money is the same as private money. And it is currently flowing, feeding the city economic recovery and jobs creation. 

Mar 4, 2011 10:43 AM

Exactly. One penny is a penny, I don't care about its origins. 

There's currently a lot of money to be made with government cheese. 

But it does not eliminate the fact that there is an incredible recovery in the private sector too. 

Mar 8, 2011 7:04 PM

Have you something against government spending, welfare and real estate programs???

I can't believe the bigotry and totalitarianism of libertarians.

The cost to the global economy if we ended these programs would be astronomical.

As I've said on a previous post concerning the unemployment rate (which has recently reached a low of 9.7%), we opened two consumer discretionary stores in Detroit and we are simply amazed at the profits we make. 

This city is very wealthy, everyone is profiting from it (including racist libertarians), and this wealth would not exist without government programs. 

Mar 8, 2011 7:13 PM

"Total collapse" of the US dollar???

Dude, you're smoking something not very clear. 

No way the USA ever go bankrupt. We are the richest country of the world and we'll stay that way for two centuries more. 

Mar 8, 2011 7:17 PM

Without real estate programs (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac), Americans would never had any chance of profiting from the biggest real estate bull run in history. 

Many fellow Americans have become rich during this period, including members of the proletariat. Libertarians bitching about government spending are those who never managed to profit from it. 

Mar 8, 2011 7:24 PM

I don't understand what you're saying. But I suppose you're one of those bigot, nerdy libertarians. 

You must accept that the destiny of every civilized country is to become a Welfare state, which is the paragon of human generosity, tolerance and progressism. 

The United States of America are already in good progression (47% of gov. spending/GDP), but that's not enough. That's why people like me spread the good talk on the Internet and elsewhere. 

Socialism -- and the economic recovery -- are the destiny of mankind. Libertarians can't fight the forces of nature. 

Mar 8, 2012 7:26 PM

Can you explain to us the relationship between Dr. Ben Bernanke and this piece of news?

Mar 8, 2012 7:29 PM

Americans are fascinated by Israel because this country is the only lighthouse of intelligence, culture and morality standing out of a sea of sand, brown people, camels and obscurantism. 

Mar 8, 2012 9:31 PM

Trav is certainly not a "conformist". The pooled grey matter of all the lemmings on this website does not exceed what is contained in his skull. 

Mar 8, 2012 9:42 PM

- Buy ammonium nitrate, aluminium powder, gasoline, several blenders, and a pick-up truck.

Because THAT's the next step, isn't it? Once you "opt out" of society, it usually ends like this. 

Mar 9, 2011 11:34 AM

This is a great idea. Greeks must show patriotism and bailout their country of origin. 

Likewise, I think the duty of every Patriotic American is to sell gold and silver, and buy stocks and US government bonds.

Mar 9, 2011 11:36 AM

I hope our Beloved President Dr. Barack H. Obama will soon ban gold and silver ownership on the American soil.

Those who try to "protect" their personal assets and refuse socialism instead of financing the economic recovery and the socialisation of America are nothing less than unpatriotic, nerdy lunatics.

Mar 9, 2011 11:42 AM


No, because even if they lose money, they would have made the most noble sacrifices to save their country, and dedicate their life to the progression of socialism in the civilized world. 

Mar 9, 2011 11:43 PM

I am not sarcastic at all. 

The sooner people accept that the destiny of every civilized country is to become a Welfare state, the better. 

Very soon, our President Dr. Barack H. Obama will proclaim a ban on gold and silver ownership, and the indefinite detention of bigot libertarians in FEMA camps. That would be a welcome action. 

I am not usually in favor of violent actions, but the people standing in front of progress (like bigot libertarians) must be stopped by all means. 

Mar 9, 2011 4:16 PM

Libertarians should be put in reeducation camps to teach them the love of our country and our people. 

Haters of President Obama and haters of socialism have no place in the XXIst century America. They are bigots living in the past.

Mar 9, 2011 6:17 PM

No way the Federal Reserve is ever going to be audited or put to an end. 

Bigot, nerdy libertarians need to deal with it.

Nothing's ever going to change. Americans are happy with the current system, and rightly so.

Mar 9, 2011 6:30 PM

I'm ready to bet with you that the Federal Reserve Bank System will still exist in 100 years, and that Ben Bernanke will end his life in wealth and quietness. 

Mar 9, 2011 6:35 PM

I totally admit that the Federal Reserve creates inflation.

But what anti-FED bigots do not understand is that Americans love inflation. 

They are starved for Federal Reserve notes. They don't care about your doom stories about how they are losing their purchasing power, or about JPM silver manipulation. 

They want inflation and love inflation because it makes them feel richer. People really believe they are acquiring wealth when housing and salaries go up. They don't see that their level of life stays the same, and don't want to care. 

Mar 9, 2012 2:07 AM

Indeed. What lacked in Vietnam was not the firepower, it was the political will to carpet bomb the shit of the country, topple the Viet Cong leadership and install televisions in all Vietnamese households to announce coming "free" elections observed by the UN. 

We did not lost. We left because some powers in DC considered the job was done. For what did we start this war in the first place I don't know. But anyone who thinks two yellow aborigines in dense jungle represent a threat to the war machine of a highly industrialized country is a moron. 

May 11, 2011 7:31 PM

I don't see the problem you have with a world government. It will allow to fight fiscal evasion more efficiently. 

Personnally, I'm waiting for it with open arms, and it should be the duty of every American patriot to do so. 

May 15, 2011 11:00 AM

Robot, bro', I totally agree with your reasoning and I'm long stocks for this reason since February 2009.

But do you think the DOW can go higher than 14,500? It's already back at Nov. 2007 levels, and I'm afraid anymore further would be viewed as indecent. Sure, the Pigmen will probably not hesitate to do it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they allowed a 1,500/2,000 pts controlled drop to make a killing first on momo bulls, then on bears. 

May 15, 2011 11:17 PM

Must  agree with my bro' Leo on this one.

Libertarian permabears should take some Prozac or Ritalin, and finally go long stocks. 

May 15, 2011 12:04 PM

I hope Tsahal will bring these peasant islamist 'rebels' into line, and with as much blood as possible. 

May 15, 2011 4:10 AM

Stockholm Syndrome, or advanced stupidity. 

But most goys today defend Jews like they would defend christian martyrs, probably because of the Holocaust pictures that got inserted in their heads as early as grade school. They feel they make some sort of good action against those evil Jew haters, who are of course all skinheads living in trailer parks, or Lucifers reincarnated. 

May 16, 2011 12:34 AM

"Prepare accordingly...  Gold and the means to defend yourselves..."

Gold won't help you against superior armed opponents, whether they are from the government or from splinter groups.  

May 16, 2011 3:53 PM

""I will be a buyer of silver today. I will be a buyer of silver tomorrow. We have not lost any faith in what has happened to silver.""

That's what I've always said. We're in the domain of religious faith, not serious investments.

May 16, 2011 4:04 PM

Yep. Unfortunately, silver is a sect, so your rational arguments will fall on deaf ears.

May 16, 2011 7:27 PM

Yes they did. There was a democratical vote, with elected representatives of the American people. Which puts the Honorable Doctor Ben S. Bernanke Ph.D. in perfectly legitimate control of the national US currency. 

May 16, 2011 8:08 PM

The Soros liquidation is the harbinger of a coming mass slaughter of doomer goldbugs. There will be hectoliters of hemoglobin and skull fragments in the Sprott silver funds next month, as the spot price finally dips under 20. 

May 17, 2011 1:27 AM

I can confirm that Leo is a hired comedian who gets paid every 15 days by Tyler & Marla (around 30% of the PPC advertising he manages to do).

Tyler plans to fire him any day now, because he doesn't attract enough controversy anymore, so I think I can reveal the "thing"

May 18, 2011 11:55 AM

David Rosenberg goes bearish on something: time to drop the shorts and go long. 

May 18, 2011 12:03 PM

Rosenberg is probably one of the biggest contrarian indicators in America, with Denninger and Prechter. Every single call he made was an utter and complete disaster.

Tyler likes him because he is the only ex-bank analyst in the world who is bearish on the economy, with Bob Janjuah. Maybe he wants to prove that ZeroHedge is not necessarily anti-bankers. 

Like every mainstream analyst, Rosenberg goes bearish on something when the correction is over. Telling to short silver after a 40% drop is way beyond surreal. 

May 18, 2011 9:44 AM

Gold is a money only in the psychotic minds of libertarian goldbugs.

In the real world, you can't buy a loaf of bread with gold, and it doesn't have any probability to change one day. 

May 18, 2011 9:48 AM

A "wealth reserve par excellence" is something everybody wants, such as US dollars, not some shiny rock. 

May 18, 2011 9:57 AM

No amount of masturbation on history will ever change the fact that gold doesn't have any chance to be readopted as a national or international money in the future. 

You said it yourself: even with so much paper failures in the history of mankind, it didn't stop governments to push forward new paper currencies, immediately adopted by the population like a God's gift, glad to exchange their heavy, unpractical coins for light, small, beautiful, practical bills. 


May 18, 2011 9:58 AM

You completely miss the point, like every goldbug. 

Yes, we know gold is a good money, probably perfect, even if a well-managed paper currency can do as well. 

But you wrongly assume that those who have the power (and in our current world, those who are elected by the people) will adopt this perfect currency. 

Just because something is good does not mean people will rush to it. Actually, history proves the contrary. 

May 19, 2011 1:10 PM

Another proof of the bigotry of ZeroHedge readers. 

May 19, 2011 12:16 PM

Smart, strong and serene, as always.

I expect President Barack H. Obama to be reelected hands down in 2012. 

The global economic recovery is stronger than ever, and LULU/LNKD are reaching absolute, incredible highs. 

May 19, 2011 8:58 AM

Must agree with Corrigan on this one. 

Peak oil is a fantasy. Good when you are a doomer who wants to experience wet dreams, but it stops there. 

Our reserves of oil are good up to 2050. 

May 19, 2011 9:22 AM

Horse shit can be transformed into oil with a species of bacteries. In fact, nearly every organic matter can be artificially processed into petroleum. It's costly for now, but it will become more affordable when natural reserves deplete themselves and scientists are forced to develop alternative ways. 

So we'll never run out of oil. 

May 20, 2011 1:06 PM

Probably a disgruntled silverbug. 

May 20, 2011 10:09 AM

I'm ready to bet 100,000 US dollars that Greece will never default.

May 20, 2011 10:38 AM

"When Greece defaults, the debt dominoes are going to hit EU banks. "

And that's precisely why Greece will never default. The PigMen are perfectly aware of this. 

May 20, 2011 10:41 AM

Greece will never default. I can bet whatever you want on that. Greece is fine. 

If Greece defaults, there's a systemic domino effect. 

May 20, 2011 2:59 PM

The Honorable Dr. Ben S. Bernanke has made an incredible job so far, in financing a gargantuan government deficit with printed money leveraged x10 by the PDs without producing a single % of consumer inflation. 

May 20, 2011 3:19 PM

The money is created ex nihilo since the start. The FED buys back USTs from the primary dealers at a privileged price in fresh cash money. 

If you believe USTs have the intrinsic value at which the FED buys them back (i.e. if you're a Keynesian liberal like me), then no money is really printed. But for redneck libertarians, USTs have a real value close to zero, so it's like money has been printed out of thin air. 

May 23, 2011 1:00 PM

Law doesn't matter.

What matters is preventing at all cost any big-scale default. 

May 23, 2011 12:34 PM

Mexican restaurants are performing better than both silver and gold this year. 

YUM is also pretty good... 

May 23, 2011 12:47 PM

That's what I've always said. There won't be any sovereign, or even muni default during the coming years. Too many powerful interests are at stake.

May 23, 2011 12:52 PM

I honestly believe now is the time to buy muni bonds, especially Illinois and California bonds. They have been way oversold during the last months, and have yet to cope with the incredible economic recovery in those States.

Ignore my advice at your own peril. 

May 23, 2011 2:45 PM

This is a very healthy decision. Governments must use artificial and natural currency adjustments as tools in their arsenal. 

The US dollar will end up being devalued too one way or another: good news for the economic recovery, bad news for libertarian, anti-inflation bigots. 

May 23, 2011 3:00 PM

Actually, a foreigner gains 56% more purchasing power in Belarus, a Belarusian loses 56% of purchasing power in a foreign country, and Belarusians in Belarus keep a stable purchasing power, except on imported goods. 

It is "excellent for debt holders" only if your revenue is made of a foreign currency. Yes, the CPI will eventually increase because of imported goods, but it can take a lot of time. 

May 24, 2011 11:09 AM

Good observation. 

But the contradictions and hypocrisy of silverbugs on this site are endless. Right now I can buy fully allocated physical for just $0.80 over spot, so the whole "physical/paper price divergence" was just a scam. 

We're still waiting for the Comex default announced by tmosley, by the way. 


on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 16:46


I'd give it a 40-50% chance that it will default in the next delivery month.  Add 20% to that chance for each delivery month that passes.

But then, I have always been early on such things.  Which is why I just hold physical.


May 24, 2011 11:11 AM

"Endgame is near. COMEX about to default. They just can't keep covering JPig's big fat greasy ass."

I've heard the same blitherings for 7 months... 

May 24, 2011 11:20 AM

I'm not a troll. I'm a silver bull. 

And that's why I expose the lies of tmosley and all the "Silver Bear" adepts. 

With allies like them, silver does not need any enemy. 

May 24, 2011 11:21 AM

"Wow, you waited a whole three weeks.  Rather than, you know, waiting for the next delivery month (ie July), like I said."

The problem is that you've been announcing an "imminent" Comex default for 12 months now, without interruption. 

"lol, "fully allocated".  I bet you're paying storage too.  What a rube."

Just because some peasants in Montana or Vermont can't find any Silver eagle in their remote local pawnshop does not mean there is a shortage of physical silver. 

You can find .999 silver bars at less than 1 dollar over spot, yes. 


May 24, 2011 7:41 AM

Greece is fine.

May 25, 2011 6:18 PM

Hum. This is more than high. This is catastrophic. 

Either this is a false reading, or there's really something bad going on. 

It won't stop LuluLemon Athletica Inc. and Chipotle Mexican Grill to reach new 52weeks highs, though. 

May 25, 2011 6:28 PM

Actually, 1 Sievert per hour is already lethal. 

204 Sieverts is Chernobyl right at the core (~100-300), 20x more than the vicinity of the station (~10-15), and 2000x Pripyat (~0.10). 

May 25, 2011 8:44 AM

Why would the Federal Reserve risk a stock market crash and a rise in T-bonds rates when pension funds, the federal gov and Social Security have never been so fragile? Even a 10% correction on the DJIA would wipe out a lot of mo-mo retirement pensions. 

No, QE3 will be announced in August without any "falling down", to the great desperation of stock market bears. 

Nobody thinks QE has created the rise in commodities, except libertarian rednecks. Ask the man in the street, he will blame speculators.

May 26, 2011 10:25 AM

You forgot armaments and precision weapons, which make up far more than what is publicly stated. 

May 26, 2011 11:22 AM

The false recovery in silver got instantly hammered this afternoon. Poor tmosley... 

I've just taken some more SLV puts @17.5

May 26, 2011 11:26 AM

The secret to riches is to close winning trades as late as losing trades, or the reverse. 

People usually wait when they have -$1000 on their Interactive Brokers account, but never wait to have +$1000. 

May 26, 2011 11:29 AM

Enjoy the ride to $25 before July

Silverbugs will soon panick and dump their Eagles en masse onto the open market. 

May 26, 2011 12:39 PM

Not a single chance. A figure like this would make the Administration look bad, so they certainly won't allow it. 

May 26, 2011 5:02 PM

Will a full nuclear fallout allow LULU or CMG to finally lose a few points? 

Not so sure... 

May 26, 2011 8:11 AM

The Pigmen will always bend the rules and screw the little guy.

Learn it, love it, trade it. 

May 26, 2011 8:24 AM

As me, Leo Kolivakis and Robot always repeated, nothing will ever change. 

The American public doesn't care. Deal with it. 

May 26, 2011 8:25 AM

I'm ready to bet $100k that a new Obama/Bush will be elected in 2012.


May 27, 2011 8:45 AM

I know this is a bit sick, and myself I feel uncomfortable watching this, but this is unfortunately necessary. 

Punks have to take a beating before they endanger the formidable and fast economic recovery in Spain. I can't lose a single euro on my IBEX35 longs because of a few spoiled brats. 

May 27, 2011 8:46 AM

Unarmed? I saw several of these "protesters" with knives and stones. 

And many of them had a threatening attitude towards the police. It's normal they fight back. 

May 27, 2011 8:49 AM

Anyway, these protesters should accept austerity and go back to work. Protesting makes only things worse. 

May 28, 2011 2:43 PM

Greece won't default. Greece is fine. 

The European Union/IMF/PigMen will do whatever it takes, including absurd, counter-productive and ruinous decisions to avoid a restructuring. A restructuring would mean that the "status quo" is impaired, so it can't happen. 

There are people out there who are willing to kill entire nations to maintain the precious status quo. 

I engage my personal honor and reputation with this prediction. If Greece defaults, then I quit Zerohedge. 

May 29, 2011 12:02 PM

Greece is fine. Ireland is fine. 

Don't listen to permagloomers. A default can't happen because it would mean that the goldbugs have won, and the Pigmen will never allow such an humiliation. 

May 29, 2011 4:43 PM

A well-placed machine gun in a covered truck would make a carnage. 

It's a pity the "Colonels" aren't there anymore.


May 29, 2011 4:46 PM

Yup. The moment when goldbugs are about to win is precisely when the central banks/IMF "men" start their action after a few phone calls. And the can is kicked for a couple more years. 

May 29, 2011 7:23 PM

Wishful thinking at best. Nobody will revolt. 

This article sums up what I've been repeating for one year now: no default, because it would mean the Pigmen have lost. 

May 29, 2011 7:31 PM

You seem obsessed by silver. It's the beginning of a mental sickness. 

May 29, 2011 9:34 PM

Profiting from high yields, maintaining their exports and being able to kill the entire West in one shot when they decide to. 

May 29, 2011 9:35 PM

Yes, because it never happened, and couldn't happen in the US. Ah, these rednecks... 

May 30, 2011 11:39 AM

Precisely. There has been zero austerity by now. The latest figures show that spending has actually increased since May 2010. 

I have the feeling Zerohedge is turning into a liberal blog, which sees austerity everywhere when there is none. 

May 30, 2011 2:36 PM

More drama. Nobody will revolt. 

The majority of Greeks totally support the bailouts. 

May 30, 2011 4:16 PM

Actually, the only way to beat inflation is to go ahead of it. Nothing will happen if the FED does a 0.25% hike. 

The nightmare of deflationists, stock market shorters and PM haters is far from over. It has just begun. 

I expect that 100 dollars of 2015 will buy around 20 dollars of now. 

May 30, 2011 4:20 PM

Unless there's a big technological advance in one sector and not the other, it is doubtful. 

May 30, 2011 4:29 PM

Yep, and so what? 

If you had said to your great-grandfather that an average car would cost $10,000 in the near future, he would not have believed it. 

Each new generation unconsciously adapts to the new nominal prices. And the wages will surely do it too. 

Nominal prices in Japan and in Italy before the euro did not use to be that ridiculously high. But people have adapted, and begun to consider them normal, with new points of reference. Earnings always follow mild inflation, with a 6-month lag at worst.  

May 30, 2011 7:19 PM

I've never said wages were to keep up exactly with inflation. I'm totally aware that inflation disrupts capital allocation. 

There will a few deaths by hunger and some chaos for 2 or 3 years, but in the end it is a small price to pay to avoid a deflationary spiral and a government default. 

May 30, 2011 8:22 PM

Hehe. What did I say? 

Like clockwork, indeed. Why please goldbugs and doomers with a restructuring when the "extend and pretend" policy works so well?


May 30, 2011 8:30 PM

Denninger, Prechter and Gerald Celente probably had a cardiac arrest out of anger, frustration and stupefaction, by now. 

We are entering the 4th successful year of "extend and pretend", with incredibly low long rates, stocks at the levels of December 2006, and nearly zero inflation. 

The PigMen have once again achieved the "impossible"


May 30, 2011 8:34 PM

Indeed. Most people on this site believe that Lehman had to fall.

But it was only an authorized and controlled collapse, just like Bear Stearns. 

And I don't think another "doomer event" will be authorized until a long, long time away. 

May 31, 2011 3:51 PM

Now, that was funny

May 31, 2011 3:53 PM

Yup. It always does.

May 31, 2011 4:08 PM

Perfect coordinated move. I can't stop laughing. 

May 31, 2011 4:09 PM

Hilarious. The poor leveraged bears who were still in the market, hoping to "make their year"  on a logic correction for the end of QE2 just got slaughtered like hogs. 

The Pigmen once again achieved the unthinkable. 

May 31, 2011 6:55 PM

Hilarious. Like I said. No restructuring. Greece will be entirely looted, and Greeks will never revolt, because if they were going to do it, it would have already been done a long time ago. 

Pigmen: 1

Goldbugs: 0

May 31, 2011 9:10 PM

No. This is brilliant. Because the masses will never revolt. 

You're betting?

I'm ready to sign a contract where I promise to pay you 2 kilograms of gold if there is a significant anti-bankers, anti-power elite revolution in a first-world country before 2050. 

May 4, 2011 11:27 AM

We are the United States of America, Home of the Braves, Land of the Free. We have lots of natural and intellectual resources. 

Debt does not matter, because we will always find lenders.

May 4, 2011 9:16 AM

The debt ceiling only matters in the mind of bigot, law-obsessed, constitution-obsessed doomers. 

Actually, it is only words written on paper ; and the world is ruled by men, not words. 

May 5, 2011 1:34 PM

It's not the first time Kocherlakota says idiot things with no follow-up.

The FED will never raise rates, and that's a good thing. Anything else would harm the global economic recovery. 

May 5, 2011 10:32 AM

Question to silverbugs: how does it feel to lose 25% of your life savings in 72 hours? 

May 5, 2011 10:39 AM

Question to silverbugs: how does it feel to lose 25% of your life savings in 72 hours? 

May 5, 2011 3:16 PM

Silver, bitchez!!!

Now down 30% in 7 days and 12% today. 

May 5, 2011 3:20 PM

Silver, bitchez!!!

Now down 30% in 7 days and 12% today. 

May 5, 2011 3:47 PM

Silver, bitchez!!!

Now down 30% in 7 days and 12% today. 

May 5, 2011 3:55 PM

I wonder when PM bugs will start to sell. The knife will drop 30-40% further imo. 

Biggest massacre I've ever seen in my trading life, worse than the 2008 stock collapse.

-30% in 7 days... LMAO!!!

May 5, 2011 8:38 AM

Yesterday, we opened two more consumer discretionary stores in Detroit, and are hiring - by the way - 6 young persons as sellers. Silverbugs might apply in order to get a lunch after the ---23% devastation.

Our stores were immediately assaulted by hundreds of young, pretty girls screaming like at a concert of Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber.

It is quite strange in the "crisis" libertarian doomers and Austrian economists try to sell us. Aren't purses supposed to be empty? 

What I see in my daily life is that the global economic recovery is accelerating, and that the United States of America will still be the world's first superpower in 2050. No amount of dooming or statistics will change this cruel fact.

May 5, 2011 8:48 AM

We are hiring a coffee guy. You may want to apply after losing all your savings in the silver crash. 

What I do is humanitarian work. I don't want you to end up in the Vegas sewers with all the meth addicts and escaped criminals. 

May 6, 2011 10:45 AM

More conspriacy thoeries.

In the meantime gold and silver continue their run to $600 and $15 before August. 

Get out of the collapsing mine before it's too late, or you'll lose your life

May 6, 2011 3:10 PM

Question: where is the "physical price" of silver, which is supposedly different from the "paper price", according to lunatic silverbugs?

Here, for just $36.50: http://www.apmex.com/Category/168/Silver_Libertads___1_oz_2011__Prior.aspx

Edit: and even for $1.79 over spot: http://www.apmex.com/Product/156/Generic_Silver_999_Fine___As_low_as_179_per_oz_over_spot.aspx

May 7, 2011 9:12 PM

This is bullish for the global economic recovery. All the oil facilities destroyed will need to be reconstructed, with juicy contracts for Western companies. Gadaffi knows his little caprice won't last very long. No oil exports, no food. 

Nov 11, 2011 10:36 PM

Unless the printed money is directed directly to stocks, inflation is bad for them (especially discretionary and service sector stocks). You just have to watch where the DOW went during the 70's. 

Nov 11, 2011 11:12 AM

The PigMen are taking the ~11700 shorts to the cleaners. Now that it has been pretty much done, we can go back to business as usual. Maybe a 400-600 points correction. 

Nov 11, 2011 11:13 AM

The volume is ridiculous, but it is sufficient to cause devastation in short desks right now.

Nov 14, 2011 12:14 PM

I have just reported this URL to several Child Protection Associations.

It is NOT acceptable to have such bestial pornographic content displayed for all to see. 

Nov 17, 2011 2:24 PM

Yup. The PM scam is the biggest "pump and dump" scheme ever realized on gullible doomers in the history of the world, like Bitcoin on the nerd community.

Nov 22, 2011 4:32 PM

Yes, Wall Street is corrupt. And so what???

Nov 22, 2011 7:49 PM

Finally, some action is taken against this dirty shithole named "Syria".

I hope our Boys will cause as much destruction as possible, something like Kosovo ca. 1999. Phosphorus and hollow point would be a good topping.

It is NOT acceptable to be an enemy of America and Israel (The Holy Land of Nazareth) in the XXIth century. 

Nov 23, 2011 1:05 PM

Kazakhstan? Lol, is that even a country???

American bombers should just keep the natives on a leash and take everything in this shitty place's underground, like our Boys did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, etc. 

Natural resources, according to the Law of God, belong to the strongest, not those who by chance have been there for a while. 

Nov 23, 2011 2:54 PM

Finally! All my life I have been waiting for this moment, namely the complete and utter military annihilation of one of the last standing enemies of America and Israel.

There's only North Korea, Iran, and maybe Yemen left in the Axis of Evil now, to the great despair of unpatriotic libertarians and communists. 

Bottom line is this: our enemies should beware of the wrath of God's chosen people. 

Nov 25, 2011 2:19 PM

Chavez is a known lunatic and enemy of America. That he likes gold is not a surprise then. 

Nov 25, 2011 8:18 PM

Simon Black is a traitor to the country. On a more general scale, every American living abroad, for whatsoever reason, should be identified, court-martialed and executed with the utmost care and intransigeance. 

In difficult times, where the Nation needs the work and dedication of everyone to go back on track, where the President needs any skilled hand for our Great Infrastructure Works, it is NOT acceptable to go hiding in some thrid-world country. 

Nov 30, 2011 9:59 AM

Nuke the shithole already!!!

Nov 4, 2011 12:56 PM

I do agree, for once, with Simon Black. 

People talking about "revolution" or "hang the banksters" are incredibly ridiculous, and must all repulse women, for several reasons: 

(1) They are, in all truthfulness, incapable on the physical and moral level to do themselves what they advocate (i.e. inevitably wounding and killing people to make their way while avoiding to be wounded and killed themselves)

(2) They don't understand that since the USA is officially a universal democracy, any violent overthrown of the government would be sanctioned, both by the medias, the international community and the majority of the people, as a fascist Coup against the will of the majority

(3) They seemingly don't know that the punishment, today, for killing Lloyd Blankfein or Ben Bernanke is a lethal injection table (or they do know, and that's why it hasn't already been done). That you killed him on ideological grounds makes no difference since the Law System is against you, and the police/justice always obeys to the Government in place, not the wannabe Government (for paycheck and psychological reasons).

Nov 9, 2011 1:21 PM

Peak-oilers must be weeping out of euphoria, thinking their doomer crackpot theories are confirmed by reality.

But this won't last.

Gold <$1200 and WTI<$70 in less than three months. It is time for these bubbles to pop. The slaughterhouse truck is fully charged and ready for departure.

Nov 9, 2011 5:41 PM

Despite being very bullish on the US economy over the long term, I actually admit I feel sorry for RobotTrader right now.

NFLX: gone

LNKD: gone

AAPL: practically gone

And now GMRC... then LULU ?? 

All the mo-mo stocks are dying one after another. The PigMen have once again achieved the unthinkable.

Oct 12, 2011 3:03 PM

To the great despair of fringe libertarians, redneck goldbugs, nerdy anarcho-capitalists and other circus animals, the Federal Reserve Bank System will still be alive and kicking in one thousand years -- because the American people likes it and wants it. 

I suggest the "Ron Paul" worshippers to read some elementary books about monetary history and Banking Panics before accusing a system which has worked perfectly so far.

Oct 12, 2011 3:09 PM

Enriching a small, select intellectual elite of Professors and PhDs is a small price to pay for the tremendous stability and economic benefits brought by a unified central bank. 

I do admit that the FED owners can basically buy whatever they want in the whole world with counterfeit money. And so what? These men deserved their place.

Oct 12, 2011 7:29 AM

I wouldn't worry about it. This is an isolated event, far from being the harbinger of a muni armageddon that so many redneck silverbugs long for. 

In a week or two it will be forgotten, and the DOW will continue its route to its final destination: 18,000.

Oct 14, 2011 11:54 AM

These lunatic, conspiracist attempts to make our Wars in the Middle East theater look like oil/minerals grabs are an insult to the sacrifice of thousands of young Americans, who dedicated their life to the preservation of freedom and equality around the world.

Give me a break. Who would be cynic enough to send thousands of people to their death and injuries for oil, and then say it was for liberty? Some men are evil, it's true, but I can't see anybody in our current government who would be able to do such things. 

Oct 14, 2011 12:00 PM

No, it wasn't. I'm just sad and fed up to see a serious blog like Zerohedge joining the ranks of Rense.com and Iamthewitness. 

No war in the world has ever been fought because of the military/industrial complex, but because of the beautiful, everlasting thirst for liberty of mankind. Nutjobs, crackers, goldbugs and hillbillies need to understand that. 

Oct 18, 2011 4:25 PM

Announced just after the closing bell and the +300 pt ramp up. Hilarious.

You can't fight the Pigmen, is this so hard to understand?

Oct 2, 2011 5:55 PM

Yup. In the eternal battle between the Pig Men and the Spartacus-wannabes, the Pig Men always win. That's the undisputed teaching of history. 

The Federal Reserve Bank System will still be alive and kicking 1000 years from now, to the great despair of redneck silverbugs and nerdy doomers. 

Oct 20, 2011 7:41 PM

Bottom line is this: everything comes down to the elections. We are in a universal democracy, and I personnally thank God for that. 

And the American people seems to keep reelecting the same Presidents every four years: Rep/Dem, Ivy League-educated, Keynesian, etc.

So maybe they're happy after all. If you're not happy with the choice of your fellow Americans, go live in Syria which does not ask the population for advice. 

The OWS/Tea Tard movements are by definition the manifestation of an extremist minority. 

Oct 21, 2011 4:03 PM

I totally admit the interests of having, say, a holding company incorporated in another country to evade taxes, or your gold in a foreign country to avoid confiscation via different means, such as taxation, but this globe-trotter bullshit about foreign communities has to stop.

If your goal is to "survive" social disintegration or food shortages, what makes you think you will be more secure in some shitty third-world country? 

Get a farm in Montana for $60k and grow your fucking potatoes here for nothing instead of wasting your money on plane fares and visa runs. 

I'll teach Black a thing. When there are food shortages in third-world countries, the first thing starving people do is to go the countryside and stick a blade in the ass of all the rich gringos who live in gated communities. 

It's funny: on one side you have south-African Whites whose sole dream is to get away of this shithole of a country, and on the other you have emotionnally insecure, anarcho-capitalist lunatics like Simon Black who live in a fairy world where borders, races, cultures, nations and visa runs don't exist whose sole goal is to do exactly the reverse. 

By the way, I don't understand why Black changes his location every week instead of developing his Chilean community. Maybe he has deep pockets... 

Oct 21, 2011 4:21 PM

Mongolia isn't even a country in the true sense. It will have been re-annexed by China by 2020. 

Oct 21, 2011 8:52 PM

"Seeds of our destruction" ???

Give me a break.

The USA have the most intelligent and educated population in the ENTIRE world, immense territories rich in minerals and water, and have not at all suffered from decadence or social decay over the last century-- contrary to Europe.

The future is BRIGHT, if only you wanted to believe in it. Government debt is a false problem.

Oct 26, 2011 7:03 AM

Conventional wars are dead since Project Manhattan.

Doomers and and silverbug libertarians will have to find something else to fuel their dreams of collapse... 

Oct 26, 2011 7:08 AM

Vietnam, Iraq, etc, weren't conventional wars. Just guerrillas. 

You can't say something is a war when 

(1) You're fighting the population itself and not well-defined institutions

(2) You have orders forbidding you to exterminate the problematic population. 

Afghanistan is the best example : it's not a war. Just a peace-keeping mission designed to protect special interests, and set to last eternally unless the President says it's over. 

Sep 12, 2011 8:41 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Barack Obama (just like Theodore Roosevelt) was elected in 2008 by an overwhelming majority of Americans. Maybe you should blame these Americans instead of Obama. 

Sep 26, 2011 2:18 PM

Which incidentally confirms that most "gold investors" lack a solid understanding of the economical and financial world, that coupled to a contempt for all forms of research and curiosity. 

Which seems to correspond to the definition of a redneck. 

Even a 5th-grader knows the difference between the LME and the "London Gold Exchange" (lol)... 

Sep 28, 2011 5:46 PM

Every mass media in the world right now is describing him as an evil, ultracapitalist trader who wants a recession in order to make money shorting. 

As usual, the original message (coming from Zerohedge, i.e. that he was warning of a recession) has been twisted and retwisted by the "Media Machine". 

The PigMen are real masters in character assassination. 
